Dante consists of a SOCKS server and a SOCKS client, implementing RFC 1928 and related standards. It can in most cases be made transparent to clients, providing functionality somewhat similar to what could be described as a non-transparent Layer 4 router. For customers interested in controlling and monitoring access in or out of their network, the Dante SOCKS server can provide several benefits, including security and TCP/IP termination (no direct contact between hosts inside and outside of the customer network), resource control (bandwidth, sessions), logging (host information, data transferred), and authentication.
Change its configuration (see sample config files).
Create list of users w/ passwords. (see example).
git clone https://github.com/Dofamin/Dante-Docker.git /srv/Dante/
docker build /srv/Dante/ --tag dante
docker rm --force Dante
docker create \
--name=Dante \
-p 1010:443/tcp \
-p 1010:443/udp \
-v /srv/Dante/container-image-root/:/Dante/\
--restart unless-stopped \
docker start Dante
Or just pull from GitHub
docker pull ghcr.io/dofamin/dante-docker:main
docker rm --force Dante
docker create \
--name=Dante \
-p 1010:443/tcp \
-p 1010:443/udp \
-v /srv/Dante/container-image-root/:/Dante/\
--restart unless-stopped \
docker start Dante
Many browsers do not support SOCKS authentication (e.g. see this Chrome bug).