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GloriousFood is a modern food ordering application designed to allow users to manage their food orders and securely store their credit card information. The project is built using React Native, Redux, and AsyncStorage.


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GloriousFood is a modern food ordering application designed to allow users to manage their food orders and securely store their credit card information. The project is built using React Native, Redux, and AsyncStorage.




Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7


  • Order Management: Users can easily view, increment, decrement, or remove items from their orders.
  • Credit Card Information: Users can securely save and manage their credit card details.
  • User Management: JWT for user session management and secure logout.
  • Clean and Modern UI: A stylish user interface with purple tones for an enhanced visual experience.


  • React Native: Framework for building mobile applications.
  • Redux: For managing application state.
  • AsyncStorage: For storing user data.
  • React Native Credit Card Input: For collecting credit card information.

React Native

Package Name Version Description
@expo/metro-runtime 3.2.1 Metro runtime for Expo
@react-native-async-storage/async-storage 1.24.0 Asynchronous storage for React Native
@react-navigation/native 6.1.18 React Navigation for managing navigation
@react-navigation/native-stack 6.11.0 Stack navigator for React Navigation
@reduxjs/toolkit 2.2.7 Redux toolkit for state management
axios 1.7.3 HTTP client for making requests
expo 51.0.23 Expo SDK for React Native
expo-status-bar 1.12.1 Status bar for Expo apps
nativewind 2.0.11 Tailwind CSS utilities for React Native
react 18.2.0 React library
react-dom 18.2.0 DOM bindings for React
react-native 0.74.3 React Native framework
react-native-credit-card-input 1.0.0 Credit card input component for React Native
react-native-dotenv 3.4.11 Environment variables for React Native
react-native-heroicons 4.0.0 Heroicons for React Native
react-native-safe-area-context 4.10.5 Safe area context for React Native
react-native-screens 3.31.1 Screens for React Native
react-native-svg 15.4.0 SVG support for React Native
react-native-toast-message 2.2.0 Toast messages for React Native
react-native-vector-icons 10.1.0 Vector icons for React Native
react-native-web 0.19.10 Web support for React Native
react-redux 9.1.2 React bindings for Redux
tailwindcss 3.3.2 Tailwind CSS for styling
@babel/core 7.20.0 Babel core for transpiling


Paket Adı Sürüm Açıklama
bcryptjs 2.4.3 Password hashing
cookie-parser 1.4.6 Cookie parsing middleware for Express
cors 2.8.5 CORS middleware for Express
dotenv 16.4.5 Environment variables for Node.js
express 4.19.2 Web framework for Node.js
express-async-handler 1.2.0 Async handler for Express
express-formidable 1.2.0 Middleware for handling form data
jsonwebtoken 9.0.2 JWT for authentication
mongoose 8.5.2 MongoDB ODM for Node.js
multer 1.4.5-lts.1 Middleware for handling file uploads
nodemon 3.1.4 Development server for Node.js
react-native-dotenv 3.4.11 Environment variables for React Native (also used in backend for consistency)


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd gloriousfood
  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  3. Setup Environment Variables

    Create a .env file in the root directory and add your environment variables:

    // Backend
  4. Run the Application

    For iOS:

    npx react-native run-ios

    For Android:

    npx react-native run-android


  1. Card Management

    • Navigate to the Cards screen to enter and save your credit card information.
    • The information is securely stored and displayed after saving.
  2. Order Management

    • On the Orders screen, you can view your current orders.
    • You can increment or decrement the quantity of each item or remove them as needed.
    • The total cost is updated in real-time.
  3. User Management

    • JWT is used for session management. Ensure to log in to save your card information securely.
    • Logging out will clear the card information and end the session.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Thanks to the React Native team for the powerful framework.
  • Special thanks to the open-source contributors for their libraries and tools.


React Native Development

  • Initial Setup and Configuration

    • Utilized Tailwind CSS for styling.
    • Configured Expo navigation to create a seamless user experience.
    • Gained an understanding of npm and npx core concepts.
  • Home Page & Search Functionality

    • Developed the Home Page template.
    • Implemented a search functionality through Search.js.
    • Understood and applied React props mechanics.
    • Created and integrated categories into the application.
    • Established a fake category database (Category.js in the Library folder).
    • Developed a database for the Featured Rows section:
      • Offers For You Tab:
        • Included attributes: id, title, description, and image.
        • Database: Offers.js (JSON) with attributes: image, title, rating icon, and location.
      • Featured Tab:
        • Included attributes: id, title, description, and image.
        • Database: FeaturedTab.js (JSON) with attributes: image, title, rating icon, and location.
      • Tasty Discounts:
        • Included attributes: id, title, description, and image.
        • Database: TastyDiscounts.js (JSON) with attributes: image, title, rating icon, and location.
  • Redux Integration

    • Added Redux for state management.
    • Created Redux components for handling state.
    • Implemented Redux to manage information related to the selected restaurant.
    • Developed a detailed page (DETAILS PAGE) using Redux for state management.
    • Designed a modern user interface with Tailwind CSS.
    • Created sections: Header, Menu, and Information.
  • Redux Payment Configuration

    • Configured Redux for managing payment state, including selected orders and total costs.
    • Implemented functionality to clear the payment state when needed.
    • Added conditional rendering to display an order icon on the main page if there are selected orders.
  • Order Page Development

    • Developing an order page to display:
      • A) All selected orders and their associated costs.
      • B) Total payment amount.
      • C) Option to delete payments by ID.
  • Search Bar Development

    • Creating a dynamic search bar
  • Creating A Database

    • Implement a login system to allow users to manage their accounts securely.
    • I will create a database with the help of the MongoDB
  • Redux&User Process

    • I will use RTK Query, JWT for the front-end, Express | Mongoose for the back-end
    • When you can log in to the app, you can order; otherwise, it will be impossible. (*)
    • When you log in to the app, there are going to be three options: Profile, Cards, and Log out. I will use JWT and Redux.
    • Your card information will be taken by the Redux
    • And all your information will be stored in the JWT


  • You can't go to the Pages [Order, Payment, OrderList] if you are not logged in


Nothing yet...


GloriousFood is a modern food ordering application designed to allow users to manage their food orders and securely store their credit card information. The project is built using React Native, Redux, and AsyncStorage.





