CLI utility for the High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster.
To build the code, you will need the GO compiler.
Following the "GO concept", identify the $GOPATH
on your system under which various GO source codes, libraries and binaries will be stored (and organized).
Assuming we use $HOME/projects/go
as the $GOPATH
, we will then clone the code of this repository as the follows:
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/projects/go
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone
$ cd hpc-utility
We then build the code with the following command:
$ make
After the build, the binaries will be located under various subdirectories in the $GOPATH
, for example, the executables are in $GOPATH/bin
and library files are in $GOPATH/pkg
One could also build RPM on a CentOS 7.x using the following command:
$ make release
or make a GitHub release with the RPM as the release asset:
$ VERSION={RELEASE_NUMBER} make github_release
where the {RELEASE_NUMBER}
is the new release number to be created on this repository's release page. It cannot be an existing release number.
The usage document can be found here.
The repository holds a GO project. The folders are organized according to the GO standard. The rationale of this style of organization is explained in this post.
The Makefile is created to simplify the build process. In it, we make use of the go dep to manage the library dependancies.