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Drone Flight Control Unit


This is a toy project and should not be used in real drones. Its purpose is for me (Doomshade) to learn basics about Arduino, and in general how the FCU works as it's an interesting topic to me.



  • Arduino IDE installed in the standard directory (either C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE or in C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE).
  • Git (optional)

Project initialization

Clone the project:

> git clone

If you don't have Git installed you can just download the ZIP file instead.


Make sure to remove the -master suffix from the directory if you downloaded via ZIP file as it must have the same name as the .ino file!

Then, cd into the directory and run init.bat:

> cd drone_fcu
> init.bat

This will generate config.h from the config-example.h file that you may now configure as u like. This prevents accidental override of the config if you ever git pull --rebase.


This script will also attempt to install needed dependencies:

  • Adafruit MPU6050

How to run the project

To run the project you will need your Arduino connected to your computed via USB, and then run run.bat:

> run.bat

This script uses default port COM3 and board arduino:avr:uno.


To configure this simply modify the following variables in the run.bat script:

REM Set variables for the sketch and port
set "PORT=COM3"
set "FQBN=arduino:avr:uno"

You may now send commands to the drone via the serial monitor.

List of commands:

  • esc arm
    • Arms the ESC
  • mpu dbg
    • Starts printing debug information of the MPU readings
    • The debug rate can be configured in config.h
  • mpu cal
    • Calibrates the MPU (typically the gyro)
  • motor e
    • Enables all motors
  • motor d
    • Disables all motors
  • motor t
    • Tests the functionality of motors
    • This expects the ESC to be armed
  • motor e <1,4>
    • Enables a single motor
  • motor d <1,4>
    • Disables a single motor
  • motor s <0,100>
    • Sets the % speed of motors