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MSA2 is a old and free x86 two-pass assembler for DOS targets. It supports all Intel 8086 instructions and most of the 80186/80286 instructions.
Initialy written by a 14-year old Swedish programmer Robert Ostling (in 2000-2001) in Borland C++ 2.0. Now, MSA2 is ported to Watcom C and GCC (and/or mingw).
MSA2 Consume to small piece of memory - i think, will be enougth just 128K. MSA2 does not require DPMI.
MSA2 is pretty fast and the only file you'll need to build a program is MSA2.EXE (50 KB). It runs fine on my old 286.
MSA2 - has precompiled binary for DOS and win32. You can compile DOS programs in modern windows without DosBox.
I had not test MSA2 in FreeDOS, Linux, windows yet, but there should not be any difference where running MSA2.
To compile your source with MSA2 just type:
MSA2 coolprog.asm -o
MSA2 produces next formats:
- -f bin flat binary output
- -f com .com file
- -f texe .exe file with tiny memory model
- -f ovl .ovl overlay file with tiny memory model (this is the same as texe, but with symbol table).
Examples how to use overlays - see /original/examples/OVL-TP7/ folder.
- Added missed opcodes
- Added .exe generation
- No macros / includes
- No conditional jumps optimization (near/short)
MSA2 could be compiled for DOS, Linux and windows with Open Watcom C, GCC, GCC/MINGW.
To build DOS version with Watcom C, just type (in original/src/)
To build Linux version with GCC:
strip MSA2
To build win32 version with mingw:
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -m32 -O3 MSA.C TABLES.C ASSEMBLR.C MISC.C LEX.C -o MSA2W.EXE
strip MSA2W.EXE
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE file.