The first OpenSource Mafia Bot! Now only Russian version, but we are working on i8n!
This repository contains Open Source implementation of "Mafia" game bot. The bot currently works with Telegram.
We plan to add other social platforms in the future.
You are welcome with your ideas and contrubutions.
This project depends on:
- EFCore - used to presist game data.
- MySQL EFCore driver from Pomelo - used as EFCore data provider.
- Telegram.Bot - OpenSource library to interact with Telegram Bot API.
This project developed on C# and builds under .NET Core 3.1. To run project, set settings by updating settings.json
. Settings info available after this section.
You can get our images from Docker Hub or just docker pull dotnetnomads/ultra-mafia-bot
If you want setup development environment use docker-compose up
in project folder.
You can change setting by setting environment variables, sample from docker-compose.yml
"mafia_Db__Host": "mysql"
"mafia_Db__User": "root"
"mafia_Db__Password": "root"
"mafia_Db__DbName": "ultra-mafia"
"mafia_Frontend__Token": "place-your-token"
"mafia_Frontend__BotUserName": "place-your-bot-username"
"mafia_Game__DevelopmentMode": "true"
"Db": {
"Host": "<databse-host, eg. localhost>",
"Port": 3306,
"User": "<databse-user, eg. root>",
"Password": "<database-password, eg. root>",
"DbName": "UltraMafia"
"Frontend": {
"Token": "<bot-token, get it from BotFather>",
"BotUserName": "<bot-username, get it also from BotFather>"
"Game": {
"MinGamerCount": 4,
"DevelopmentMode": false
"Serilog": {
"MinimumLevel": "Information"
where: MinGamerCount
- minimal count of gamers required to start, DevelopmentMode
- in this mode, bot skip checking like: multiple registration, self voting.
In progress... :)
If you have new changes in models, just create new migration with a following command inside the UltraMafia.DAL
project directory:
dotnet ef --startup-project ../UltraMafia/ migrations add <migrationName>
, where <migrationName>
is the name of new migration.