This repo turns source_id's (Gaia DR2 or EDR3) into posteriors on the total orbit velocity and integrates the orbit of the star round the Galaxy.
Enter the Gaia DR2 or EDR3 source_id's of the stars you are interested in in candidates.dat. If you know their radial velocity then also put that in there, otherwise either
- enter radial_velocity = 0 and radial_velocity_error = -9999 to use the global radial velocity prior you set in the notebook or
- enter the mean and standard deviation of the radial velocity prior you would like to use for this specific star.
The notebook will then step you through:
- Downloading the rest of the data from the Gaia archive.
- Correcting for the parallax zeropoint.
- Sampling within the uncertainties.
- Integrating orbits using gala.
- Plotting orbits and posteriors on the total galactocentric velocity.