Releases: DrCopyPaste/RecNForget
0.6.5 Chili Garlic Shrimps
- upgraded application to .net 5.0
- setup is now provided self contained, so .net runtime does not have to be installed
- reworked most windows for a more consistent layout
- layout is STILL not final, but I don't expect any HUGE future changes except for Font/Sizes/Paddings/Margins :D - BUT
- RecNForget now has a dark mode, which is the new default
- window colors can now be changed using context menu -> Change theme -> (Select theme)
- selected file control now also shows file size and play length
- selected file can now be exported as mp3, this action can be reached by
- pressing the 'X'-Button, while having the RecNForget-Window open or
- clicking the export button right next to the file name in the selected file control
- bitrate can be set using context menu -> open settings -> output -> Bitrate
- a dialog, prompting for an export name can be enabled using context menu -> open settings -> output -> 'prompt for exported file name'
- (otherwise filename is taken from original wav-file with mp3-extension)
- new recording timer control:
- users can now delay recording start/ stop with the new recording timer control
- this control can be toggled using context menu-> show recording timer control
- time spans used are entered right to left (seconds first) in the following format: d:hh:mm:ss
- if the "Stops after"- timer is enabled, a recording session will be automatically ended after that time span
- "stop recording" can still be forced by hitting record again (if "Stops after"- timer is already running)
- "Stops after" can also be enabled while already recording
- if the "Starts after"- timer is enabled, the "start recording" action will be delayed by that time span
- "start recording" can be forced by triggering record again (if "Starts after"- timer is already running)
- switched to svg for icons
- popup info windows have been replaced with non blocking toast messages(errors and warnings)
- toast messages now use Notifications.Wpf.Core, which makes them consistently silent (not adding random windows sounds to recorded samples)
0.4 Wirsingkopf
migrated to .NET Framework 4.8
FIX: upgrading deletes existing user data
FIX: uninstalling RecNForget will now also delete all user data (under %APPDATA% machine configuration and in registry for autostart)
FIX: clicking the open folder button does not crash RecNForget anymore, if that folder does not (yet) exist
FIX: changing the file prefix changes the displayed file name with output path
reworked controls of the main window to use a simple white and black "theme"
window options and settings can be opened via context menu on the main window
moved always on top option to context menu
file name pattern textbox no longer in main window (it is instead configured by the pencil button next to "recording path" or via settings menu)
Selected File Control is now hidden by default (can be changed in the context menu)
Output Path Control is now hidden by default (can be changed in the context menu)
default hotkey for "toggle record" is now [Pause]
added skip buttons to navigate through output folder (auto selects the latest file on program start)
added a stop-replay button (this also closes the file in RecNForget enabling you to move or rename it...)
can select the selected file in the explorer using [Down-Arrow]-key in the main window
can play/pause selected file using [Space]-key in the main window
can skip to previous/next file using [Left-Arrow]/[Right-Arrow]-key in the main window
can rename selected file via pencil icon next to "selected file"
can rename slected file using [Return]-key in the main window
can delete selected file via trash can icon next to "selected file"
can delete selected file using [Delete]-key in the main window
can configure target path via folder icon next to "recording path"
auto selecting the last recording is now optional (enabled by default)
added a help link to the menu (opens help window)
can stop playing slected file using [Esc]-key in the main window
clicking the open folder button now selects the last result file in explorer (or just opens folder if there is no result yet)
Taskbar Icon background turns green when replaying the last audio (stays green also when paused to remind you that the file is still open)
tray icon menu now shows the same menu as the windows options menu at the top left of the main window
when started for the first time, RecNForget will show the toggle record and output folder setting and allow to change them
window position is now remembered after closing the application
RecNForget can now update itself via clicking the about-button (via top left window button) and then "check for updates"
RecNForget can now show random tips on program start (did you know?) (enabled by default)
Installation is cancelled if .Net framework is not found
Installer lets user choose target installation folder
Installer now shows a minimal UI with license agreement and logo during installation
Installer now starts with elevated privileges (so it can update the files installed in programs folder)
Release Version 0.3
RecNForget now has a msi-Installer (generated through WiX)
(for now just simple "silent" setup: installing to the default programs folder and creating a shortcut in start menu, running msi with higher version will upgrade, also allows repairing via programs/features (in case a file went "missing" for example), clicking "change" will just rerun the msi, not very useful for now -
RecNForget now enforces that there is only one instance of it running
(even though it could be "funny" to have multiple applications capturing your hotkeys and recording :D) -
User configuration has been moved to appdata/roaming (is created on program start)
FIX error when trying to play the last file (but it was moved or deleted - missing replay file leads to button being disabled, missing audio feedback files are silently ignored for now)
FIX: application icon was not shown when executing from a directory different to the application directory
FIX: suppress not allowed characters for filenames in filename prefix pattern
can enable instant auto-replay of audio after recording (disabled by default)
can enable short audio beep as feedback marking beginning and end of recording (enabled by default)
can enable short audio beep as feedback marking beginning and end of replayed audio (disabled by default)
can enable balloon tips (toast messages) for when recording starts or stops (enabled by default)
can enable running main window as a background process (minimized to tray, disabled by default)
can set main window to be always on top (disabled by default)
added auto-start-option (disabled by default)
can click balloon top when recording finished to select recorded file in explorer
can close application via tray icon context menu
show length of recording in main window and balloon tips
show proper icon for exe in explorer
Release Version 0.2
FIX: reconfiguring hotkeys was not possible
added button to replay audio of last recorded file
show last recored file path in main window (starting with program start)
show currently recording file path in main window
added open output folder button
resized windows, made main window smaller to only display most relevant current information
moved hotkey configuration to separate settings window
moved output path and prompt for file name configuration to separate settings window
but keep file name prefix setting in main window (because that's the setting most likely to be changed in one session)
Work In Progress Release
Requires .Net Framework 4.7.
- Work in progress!
- define a hotkey to start or stop recording windows default audio output
- pick a folder and a prefix for auto generated recorded files
(resulting in files such as C:\MyOutputFolder\RecNForget_20190116-214328001.wav)
There are a lot of still disabled options in the window!