For those who want to know how this works.
The core technique is to estimate GroupNorm params for a seamless generation.
- The image is split into tiles, which are then padded with 11/32 pixels' in the decoder/encoder.
- When Fast Mode is disabled:
- The original VAE forward is decomposed into a task queue and a task worker, which starts to process each tile.
- When GroupNorm is needed, it suspends, stores current GroupNorm mean and var, send everything to RAM, and turns to the next tile.
- After all GroupNorm means and vars are summarized, it applies group norm to tiles and continues.
- A zigzag execution order is used to reduce unnecessary data transfer.
- When Fast Mode is enabled:
- The original input is downsampled and passed to a separate task queue.
- Its group norm parameters are recorded and used by all tiles' task queues.
- Each tile is separately processed without any RAM-VRAM data transfer.
- After all tiles are processed, tiles are written to a result buffer and returned.
ℹ Encoder color fix = only estimate GroupNorm before downsampling, i.e., run in a semi-fast mode.
- The latent image is split into tiles.
- In MultiDiffusion:
- The UNet predicts the noise of each tile.
- The tiles are denoised by the original sampler for one time step.
- The tiles are added together but divided by how many times each pixel is added.
- In Mixture of Diffusers:
- The UNet predicts the noise of each tile
- All noises are fused with a gaussian weight mask.
- The denoiser denoises the whole image for one time step using fused noises.
- Repeat 2-3 until all timesteps are completed.
⚪ Advantages
- Draw super large resolution (2k~8k) images in limited VRAM
- Seamless output without any post-processing
⚪ Drawbacks
- It will be significantly slower than the usual generation.
- The gradient calculation is not compatible with this hack. It will break any backward() or torch.autograd.grad()
核心技术是估算 GroupNorm 参数以实现无缝生成。
- 图像被分成小块,然后在编码器 / 解码器中各进行了 11/32 像素的扩张。
- 当禁用快速模式时:
- 原始的 VAE 前向传播被分解为任务队列和任务工作器,开始处理每个小块。
- 当需要 GroupNorm 时,它会暂停,存储当前的 GroupNorm 均值和方差,将所有内容发送到内存中,然后转到下一个小块。
- 在汇总所有 GroupNorm 均值和方差之后,将结果应用到小块中并继续。
- 使用锯齿形执行顺序以减少不必要的数据传输。
- 当启用快速模式时:
- 原始输入被下采样并传递到单独的任务队列。
- 它的 GroupNorm 参数被记录并由所有小块的任务队列使用。
- 每个小块被单独处理,没有任何 内存 <-> 显存 的数据传输。
- 处理完所有小块后,小块被写入结果缓冲区并返回。
ℹ 编码器颜色修复 = 仅在下采样之前估计 GroupNorm,即以半快速模式运行。
- 潜在图像被分成小块。
- 在 MultiDiffusion 中:
- UNet 预测每个小块的噪声。
- 小块由原始采样器去噪一个时间步。
- 小块被加在一起,但除以每个像素的累加次数(即加权平均)。
- 在 Mixture of Diffusers 中:
- UNet 预测每个小块的噪声。
- 所有噪声与高斯权重蒙版融合。
- 降噪器对整个图像使用融合的噪声去噪一个时间步。
- 重复执行步骤 2-3,直到完成所有时间步长。
⚪ 优点
- 在有限的显存中绘制超大分辨率(2k~8k)图像
- 无需任何后处理即可实现无缝输出
⚪ 缺点
- 它将明显比通常的生成速度慢。
- 梯度计算与此技巧不兼容。它将破坏任何 backward() 或 torch.autograd.grad()。