This is the second open game project using Unity DOTS. It is used to develop and validate new features and improvements in the Latios Framework, beginning with version 0.6. A version of the framework is included as an embedded package.
The Unity version is currently 2021.3.8f1
Feel free to clone, play with, and customize this game however you like!
Contributions are very much welcome!
To contribute, fork the project. Make your changes, and make a pull request. Try to avoid “merge commits” in your commit history.
If this is a game you can imagine yourself or a friend enjoying, and if you have the skills or are willing to learn, get involved and help make the experience better! The game will remain free and open source. There’s no revenue, and anyone can be involved as much or as little as they want, for as short or as long as they want.
ATAR, which stands for an Atypical Team with Atypical Responsibilities is a combination of tower defense and first-person shooter where a team of magical girls and their robot army defend castle towers in the sky. Gameplay alternates between fortification and combat phases. If any magical girl dies, player or not, it is game over.
Towers are indestructible. Resources for constructing towers are supplied at a fixed rate for each wave cleared. There are different types of towers with different accessories. Some have cover options, and some have special interactions with specific magical girls.
Friendly robot sentries can be destroyed during the combat phase, but are reconstructed at the beginning of a fortification phase at no cost. Resources for constructing sentries are based on the enemies killed in a wave.
Magical girls can be recruited to help, but have specific requirements before they can be recruited. Many require being provided a usable weapon, and some are picky about the weapon. Other requirements include the number of waves already defeated, or the existence of a specific type of tower. The UI for displaying their requirements and abilities emulates a contact list on a cell phone.
During fortification, towers, sentries, and magical girls are all placed in rectangular playing field in a top-down view. Sentries and magical girls must be placed on towers.
Weapons require two parts to be usable. They require the weapon themselves, and an Ammo Core that matches the weapon’s ammo type. Weapon drops from enemies are fairly common. Ammo Core drops are rare. However, each wave guarantees at least one matching pair of weapon and ammo core.
Ammo is unlimited. Though most magical girls will get tired if they throw too many grenades in succession, causing the distance of the grenades to get short enough to catch the thrower in the blast.
In order for this game to reach a functional minimal viable product state, the following technologies in the Latios Framework will need to be developed:
- A robust character controller synchronized with animation
- Advanced AI systems
- Inverse Kinematics
- Audio Mixing
The following features, while not strictly necessary, enhance the experience and cover more future features of the Latios Framework
- Storm Waves
- Clouds cover the playable area and are traversable, allowing magical girls and some sentry types to leave towers.
- Requires Psyshock terrain colliders
- Death Ragdolls
- Requires Psyshock rigid-body physics simulation
- Player Character Customization
- Requires validation of Kinemation runtime bindings and authoring workflow
- Hair and Cloth Simulation
- Requires implementation
- Character Intro Cutscenes
- Requires Kinemation Blend Shapes and Sequencing
- More?
New ideas and suggestions are welcome. Any character without a name is open to name suggestions.
An esper who can teleport between different towers and has enough medical training to revive fallen magical girl friends if she reaches them in time.
A fellow esper who is more practiced with the craft. Not only can she teleport, but she can also apply a homing effect to nearby friendly projectiles. She requires a gun but is otherwise immediately unlockable.
She has very pale skin, long dark curly hair, and speaks with a low voice. She tends to be serious and straight-to-the-point with her words.
She comes from a city named “Coudtop” which is home to the Stampede baseball team. She requires a grenade type and grenade Ammo Core to be unlocked, but is otherwise immediately unlockable. She always uses grenades as a primary weapon, and will only resort to other weapons if she is low on health, sometimes. She does not tire from throwing grenades.
She is loud and enthusiastic, and wears baseball attire.
She has a reputation for being clumsy, but when things get serious she becomes a focused killing machine. She requires a sniper to be unlocked, but is otherwise immediately unlockable. When she or a nearby magical girl fall below a health threshold, she quick-scope crits 100% of her shots.
She is normally social and sometimes bubbly, but when things are serious, she is calm, collected, and tries to be encouraging.
She is dead and has low accuracy. She requires a gun, and cannot be unlocked until several waves in as she is stuck in a Dead and Active Association (DA3) meeting.
She is spunky and a little sassy, but loyal to the group and seeks personal vengeance against the enemy.
She is well-versed in medicinal witch craft and combat broom flight. She requires a Witchcraft Bunker Tower to be unlocked. She can fly to low-health or downed teammates, bring them to the nearest bunker, and revive them back to full health. If given a weapon, she can also be destructive in her flights.
She tends to be very empathetic. Her witch outfit takes inspiration from medical attire and symbolism.
This project includes an embedded version of the Latios Framework which is licensed under the Unity Companion License as a derivative work: