Data Visualization Certification freeCodeCamp
Data is all around us, but it doesn't mean much without shape or context.
In the Data Visualization Certification, you'll build charts, graphs, and maps to present different types of data with the D3.js library.
You'll also learn about JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), and how to work with data online using an API (Application Programming Interface).
D3, or D3.js, stands for Data Driven Documents. It's a JavaScript library for creating dynamic and interactive data visualizations in the browser.
D3 is built to work with common web standards – namely HTML, CSS, and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
D3 supports many different kinds of input data formats. Then, using its powerful built-in methods, you can transform those data into different charts, graphs, and maps.
In the Data Visualization with D3 courses, you'll learn how to work with data to create different charts, graphs, hover elements, and other ingredients to create dynamic and attractive data visualizations.
Similar to how UIs help people use programs, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) help programs interact with other programs. APIs are tools that computers use to communicate with one another, in part to send and receive data.
Programmers often use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) when working with APIs. AJAX refers to a group of technologies that make asynchronous requests to a server to transfer data, then load any returned data into the page. And the data transferred between the browser and server is often in a format called JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
This course will teach you the basics about working with APIs and different AJAX technologies in the browser.