@dulliag:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com //npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=<GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>
Install package
Make sure to have Material UI installes in order to use these components and the provided theme properly
npm install @dulliag/components
Install all dependencies
npm install
Setup husky
Install husky once in order to run our GIT-hooks If you already have installed the dependencies Husky should already got set-up
npm run prepare
How to add a hook?
npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npm test" git add .husky/pre-commit
Make a commit
git commit -m "Keep calm and commit" # `npm test` will run
- Create a new build using
npm run build
If the build was successful we proceed with the following steps...
Increase the version using the command
npm version [major|minor|patch]
Make sure you are logged in
npm login --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com --scope=@dulliag
After this publish this package by using the
npm publish --access public