Snowtricks symfony website is a community site related to snowboarding. So you can share snowboard figures and exchange on these same figures of style.
This site has a member area dedicated to users or you can change the settings of your account and post figures and media
This site is developed with PHP and the symfony framework. This architecture proposes a reutilisable code and easy to maintain. It also provides good practice like MVC layout and object oriented
Several solutions to deploy this project :
- You can clone this project on your environment
- You can configure a web server with a ansible playbook ( include in repository )
ansible-playbook ansible/playbook.yml -i ansible/hosts.ini --ask-vault-pass
- You can run this project with docker containers (docker-compose included in this repository )
The graphical data model is accessible in the SQL file. You can also find the UML shema in the respective file
git clone
php bin/console d:d:c
composer install