This is a server to deliver user, group and player information to the front end web app that can be found here. (
Clone this repository to your local machine git clone BOILERPLATE-URL NEW-PROJECTS-NAME
into the cloned repository
Make a fresh start of the git history for this project with rm -rf .git && git init
Install the node dependencies npm install
The database side was builh]t with postgresql and will need to be installed on your machine to work effectively as written. A tutorial on how to install can be found here (
To get this up and running for development the first thing you will need to do is to run
npm install
You will need to create a postgresql database. You can find out how here (
Next you will need to create a .env file with the following definitions
Finally you can run migrations to create all the necessary tables with
npm run migrate
in the app.js file you can take a look at all the routes that you can use to request info from the database with.
There are 42 tests that run when you run
npm test
These tests are in place to make sure that the server is responding correctly to both happy path requests as well as sending the correct error codes and messages when it recieves an invalid request.
Testing is completed with mocha, chai, and supertest.
When your new project is ready for deployment, add a new Heroku application with heroku create. This will make a new git remote called "heroku" and you can then npm run deploy which will push to this remote's master branch
- Postgresql - The database manager used
- Express
- Nodejs
- knex
- jsonwebtoken
- Dustin Haefele