I am beginner of Swift IOS.
This is basic todo/note App based on Swift 5, Xcode 14.
I apply the MVVM Architecture to this project.
I coded this based on these series:
- SwiftUI Todo List (Beginner Level).
- How to store an Image.
- How to schedule local Push Notifications in SwiftUI.
Note: I have updated this code so the UI is changed little bit.
- Create note, included image.
- Display notes.
- Save to and read from local storage(In ios, it called User Defaults).
- Toggle done/undone notes.
- Delete note.
- Sort notes.
- Filter notes.
- Search notes by query.
- Local Notification.
- Multi-languages(In-App Localization).
- Guard Keyword trong 10 phút.
- Phân biệt @State, @ObservedObject, @EnvironmentObject và @Binding trong SwiftUI.
- Dynamic Localization without Changing system’s Language.
- In-App Localize in SwiftUI.
- And many links, video from StackOverFlow, Reddit, Hacking with Swift, and another forums, websites that I don't remember ^_^.