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How to: Build DynamoRevit?

Aaron (Qilong) edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 5 revisions

DynamoRevit project can be built by building DynamoRevit.2012.sln. This project will build Dynamo libraries and plug-in for Revit. This project depends on Dynamo core libraries and Revit API libraries.

  • You can get Dynamo binaries by making a build from or by installing latest Dynamo from

  • Revit API libraries can be referenced from Revit install location.

  • CS.props contains environment variable DYNAMOAPI and REVITAPI to define path for Dynamo and Revit libraries respectively.

  • These environment variables can be overwritten by providing correct path for Dynamo and Revit libraries in user_locals.props

  • If you have checked out Dynamo source code in GitHub\Dynamo folder and DynamoRevit source code in GitHub\DynamoRevit folder and Revit is installed in default location. Then you don't need to update any configuration. Output binaries will be built at GitHub\Dynamo\bin[Revit_201X]