GUI Package for CommandHelper
Go to the releases tab,
And download latest version.
When download completed, Go to the CommandHelper's config folder.
click LocalPackages Folder, and paste it(Maybe It named CHGUI~~~.mslp).
@array = array( #Title: this menu's title title: 'Title', #ID: This menu's id(not visible id) id: 'TEST', #size: this menu's slot size(optional)(9 is one line. this means 9xline number is size) size: 9, #menu: Menu Item's Array menu: array( #Item 1 array( #item: displayed item's info(ItemArray) item:array(type:1,data:0,qty:1), #: set closure of specifed click type. Supported click types: left, right, shift_left, shift_right, window_border_left, window_border_right, middle, number_key, double_click, drop, control_drop, creative or unknown left: closure(msg('left click')), #If click type is not specific, run click closure. click: closure(msg('normal click')) #End Item 1 Array ), #Item 2 array( #item: displayed item's info(ItemArray) item:array(type:2,data:0,qty:2), #: set closure of specifed click type. Supported click types: left, right, shift_left, shift_right, drop shift_right: closure(msg('shift right click 2')), #If click type is not specific, run click closure. click: closure(msg('normal click 2')) #End Item 2 Array ) #End Menu Array ) #End GUI Array ) #Show GUI to player() _itemmenu_create(@array)