Web and API built on top of COBS.
Search gene fragments against MGnify’s Genome Catalogues (MAGs and Isolates).
Based on:
as the Http API provider and CLI interfaceDocker
for containerisation
Both the API (for handling queries) and CLI (for generating indices) run in a Docker. This is mostly so that we can build COBS with a good version of cmake, and because the conda and pip packages for COBS do not contain all of the latest updates.
docker pull quay.io/microbiome-informatics/genome-search
docker run -it quay.io/microbiome-informatics/genome-search
Note that the Quay.io-built image will probably not run on MacOS. You can however build it locally, as below.
You must have Docker or Podman or Singularity installed, as well as Python3.6+ installed.
Install development tools (including pre-commit hooks to run Black code formatting).
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
Build the Docker image
docker build -t mgnify-cobs-genome-search .
Invoke the CLI to build an index (e.g. to rebuild the test fixtures index)
docker run -v $(PWD)/tests/fixtures:/opt/local/data -it mgnify-cobs-genome-search -c index create /opt/local/data/catalogues/marine1.0 /opt/local/data/indices/marine1.0 --clobber True
And to run a search:
docker run -v $(PWD)/tests/fixtures/indices:/opt/local/data -it --env COBS_CONFIG=config/local.yaml mgnify-cobs-genome-search -c search search --seq CATTTAACGCAACCTATGCAGTGTT
TTTCTTCAATTAAGGCAAGTCGAGGCACT --catalogues_filter marine1.0
# {'query': 'CATTTAACGCAACCTATGCAGTGTTTTTCTTCAATTAAGGCAAGTCGAGGCACT', 'threshold': 0.4, 'results': [{'genome': 'MGYG000296002', 'score': 24}]}
docker run -v $(PWD)/tests/fixtures/indices:/opt/local/data -v $(PWD)/config/local.yaml:/opt/local/config/local.yaml -p 8000:8000 -it --env COBS_CONFIG=config/local.yaml mgnify-cobs-genome-search
If you’re running something else on port 8000 (like the MGnify API), use -p 8001:8000
instead to expose the COBS API on port 8001 of your machine.
Call the API with a request like:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"catalogues_filter": "marine1.0"
There is a small test suite which runs inside the Docker container.
A separate tests/Dockerfile
exists for this purpose.
docker build -t mgnify-cobs-genome-search-tests -f tests/Dockerfile .
docker run -t mgnify-cobs-genome-search-tests
During development/debugging, it is usually convenient to mount the src/
directory with a volume bind to the docker container,
e.g. by adding -v "$(PWD)/src/":"/usr/src/app/src"
to any of the above docker run commands.
This means you do not need to rebuild the docker image every time you change a source file.
This service can be deployed on a webserver using Nginx, Podman, and certbot. E.g. to set up an Ubuntu 20 VM on Embassy:
# Check out the repo using git or the gh cli
# Create a config at /home/ubuntu/cobs/cobs.yaml
# Use podman to run the container
sudo apt update
sudo apt install podman
sudo podman pull quay.io/microbiome-informatics/genome-search:cobs
sudo podman run -e COBS_CONFIG=/home/ubuntu/cobs/cobs.yaml --mount type=bind,source=/home/ubuntu/cobs/,destination=/home/ubuntu/cobs -p 8000:8000 --name cobs --detach quay.io/microbiome-informatics/genome-search:cobs
# The reason you sudo these commands is that the root user owns a different set of containers to ubuntu.
# If you pull the image as ubuntu, it won't update the image used by root (systemd)
# Generate a systemd service to keep podman up
podman generate systemd --new --name cobs > cobs.service
sudo cp cobs.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable cobs
sudo systemctl start cobs
# Set up nginx
sudo apt install nginx
# Set up certbot for SSL
sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
sudo snap install --classic certbot
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
sudo certbot --nginx -d cobs-genome-search-01.mgnify.org
# Set up the nginx conf
sudo cp /home/ubuntu/this/repo/path/webserver_configs/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
# Start nginx
sudo service nginx start
A health-check command
might be needed, because sometimes the web service terminates inside the container for myriad reasons.
Just add --healthcheck-command 'CMD-SHELL curl http://localhost:8000/search || exit 1' --healthcheck-interval=10s
to the pomdan run...
If certbot fails to automatically renew the SSL certificate (e.g. because HTTP ingress is limited to a certain CIDR), you can briefly open the firewall and then run: sudo certbot renew --cert-name cobs-genome-search-01.mgnify.org