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This is Nagios probe to monitor Storage endpoints executing simple file operations via Xrootd or Webdav protocols

It's based on the gfal2 library for the storage operations and the python-nap library for execution and reporting.

A X509 valid proxy certificate is needed to execute the probe (configured via X509_USER_PROXY variable).

The probes runs the following passive checks in sequence:

  • LsDir: list the folder
  • Put: put a test file
  • Ls: list the file previously copied
  • Get: copy the file locally and check if content matches
  • Del: delete the file

the active check VOAll just combines the passive checks outcomes.


usage: [-h] [--version] [-H HOSTNAME] [-w WARNING] [-c CRITICAL]
                    [-d] [--print-all] [-p PREFIX] [-s SUFFIX] [-t TIMEOUT]
                    [-C COMMAND] [--dry-run] [-o OUTPUT] [-E ENDPOINT] [-X X509]
                    [-to TOKEN] [--se-timeout SE_TIMEOUT] [-S] [-RO]

NAGIOS Storage probe

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
                        Host name, IP Address, or unix socket (must be an absolute path)
  -w WARNING, --warning WARNING
                        Offset to result in warning status
  -c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL
                        Offset to result in critical status
  -d, --debug           Specify debugging mode
  --print-all           Print output from all metrics to stdout
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Text to prepend to ever metric name
  -s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
                        Text to append to every metric name
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Global timeout for plugin execution
  -C COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        Nagios command pipe for submitting passive results
  --dry-run             Dry run, will not execute commands and submit passive results
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Plugin output format; valid options are nagios, check_mk
                        or passive (via command pipe); defaults to nagios)
  -E ENDPOINT, --endpoint ENDPOINT
                        base URL to test
  -X X509, --x509 X509  location of x509 certificate proxy file
  -to TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        BEARER TOKEN to be used
  --se-timeout SE_TIMEOUT
                        storage operations timeout
  -S, --skip-ls-dir     skip LSDir tests, needed for Object storage backend
  -RO, --read-only      enable read-only tests


./plugins/ -E root:// -H  --dry-run -X /tmp/x509up_u0  -d
Dec 01 18:40:53 DEBUG core[1559]: Call sequence: [(<function metricLsDir at 0x7f761240bc80>, 'LsDir', True), (<function metricPut at 0x7f761240bd08>, 'Put', True), (<function metricLs at 0x7f761240bd90>, 'Ls', True), (<function metricGet at 0x7f761240be18>, 'Get', True), (<function metricDel at 0x7f761240bea0>, 'Del', True), (<function metricAlll at 0x7f761240bf28>, 'All', False)]
Dec 01 18:40:53 DEBUG core[1559]:    Function call: metricLsDir
Dec 01 18:40:53 DEBUG core[1559]: b'OK - Storage Path[root://] Directory successfully listed\\n'
Dec 01 18:40:53 DEBUG core[1559]: [1638384053] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;LsDir;0;OK - Storage Path[root://] Directory successfully listed\n
Dec 01 18:40:53 DEBUG core[1559]:    Function call: metricPut
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: b'OK - File was copied to the Storage endpoint: Transfer time: 0:00:00.815718\\n'
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: [1638384054] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;Put;0;OK - File was copied to the Storage endpoint: Transfer time: 0:00:00.815718\n
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]:    Function call: metricLs
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: b'OK - File successfully listed\\n'
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: [1638384054] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;Ls;0;OK - File successfully listed\n
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]:    Function call: metricGet
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: b'OK - File was copied from Storage endpoint.: Diff successful. Transfer time: 0:00:00.127798\\n'
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: [1638384054] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;Get;0;OK - File was copied from the Storage endpoint.: Diff successful. Transfer time: 0:00:00.127798\n
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]:    Function call: metricDel
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: b'OK - File was deleted from the Storage endpoint.\\n'
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]: [1638384054] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;;Del;0;OK - File was deleted from the Storage endpoint.\n
Dec 01 18:40:54 DEBUG core[1559]:    Function call: metricAlll
OK - All fine

mkdir build
cd build
make rpm -f ../Makefile