title | category | layout | weight | updated | description |
httpie |
2017/sheet |
-3 |
2020-07-05 |
$ http POST http://example.com name="John" Host:example.com — JSON, cookies, files, auth, and other httpie examples.
{: .-intro}
HTTPie is a command-line HTTP client.
- HTTPie website (httpie.org)
- HTTPie documentation (httpie.org)
- Try it online (httpie.org)
$ http POST http://example.com/posts/3 \
Origin:example.com \ # : HTTP headers
name="John Doe" \ # = string
q=="search" \ # == URL parameters (?q=search)
age:=29 \ # := for non-strings
list:='[1,3,4]' \ # := json
file@file.bin \ # @ attach file
token=@token.txt \ # =@ read from file (text)
user:=@user.json # :=@ read from file (json)
$ http --form POST example.com \
name="John Smith" \
$ echo '{"hello": "world"}' | http POST example.com/post
-v, --verbose # same as --print=HhBb --all
-h, --headers # same as --print=h
-b, --body # same as --print=b
--all # print intermediate requests
--print=HhBb # H: request headers
# B: request body
# h: response headers
# b: response body
--pretty=none # all | colors | format
--json | -j # Response is serialized as a JSON object.
--session NAME
-a, --auth USER:PASS
--auth-type basic
--auth-type digest
--session NAME # store auth and cookies
--session-read-only NAME
-d, --download # like wget
-c, --continue
-o, --output FILE
-F, --follow # follow redirects
--max-redirects N # maximum for --follow
--timeout SECONDS
--verify no # skip SSL verification
--proxy http:http://foo.bar:3128