title | layout | intro |
Imagemagick |
2017/sheet |
A quick reference for common [Imagemagick](https://www.imagemagick.org) commands and switches.
Option | Description |
-resize 100x40 |
Resize to a dimension |
-crop 40x30+10+10 |
(width)x(height)+(x)+y |
-crop 40x30-10-10 |
(width)x(height)+(x)+y |
-flip |
Vertical |
-flop |
Horizontal |
-transpose |
Flip vertical + rotate 90deg |
-transverse |
Flip horizontal + rotate 270deg |
-trim |
Trim image edges |
-rotate 90 |
Rotate 90 degrees |
convert input.jpg -resize 80x80^ -gravity center -extent 80x80 icon.png
mogrify -format jpg -quality 85 *.png
convert *.jpg hello.pdf