A simple unit cube serves a Hello World
example mesh. This is useful to check the MESHER functionality, and a sanity check for any INR to DGF coordinate transformations.
../../bin/mesher -i unit_cube.inr -e electrodes.txt -p Params_0.txt -o 0_Cube
The parameters within Params_0.txt
create a low element mesh with no optimisations. Turning on the optimisations by setting lloyd_opt = 1
odt_opt = 1
exude_opt = 1
perturb_opt = 1
creates a more regular mesh which also captures the boundaries better.
../../bin/mesher -i unit_cube.inr -e electrodes.txt -p Params_1.txt -o 1_CubeOpt
This can then be displayed in Matlab
Mesh=loadmesh('output/1_CubeOpt'); %requires tetra to be saved
%find the surface triangles and create triangulation
trep = triangulation(Mesh.Tetra, Mesh.Nodes);
[Triangle_Boundary, Nodes_Boundary] = freeBoundary(trep);
hold on;
%plot surface mesh
h= trisurf(Triangle_Boundary, Nodes_Boundary(:,1), Nodes_Boundary(:,2), Nodes_Boundary(:,3));
%add electrodes
hold off
title('Unit Cube Mesh')