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368 lines (341 loc) · 19 KB

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executable file
368 lines (341 loc) · 19 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Settings use specific versions of PHP with composer and wp-cli are now available, per project
  • ACF Pro can now be updated via composer as well as the legacy method
  • Added --skip-git for projects that are focused only on client communication
  • Added ability to turn off RSS feed per project, even if set globally
  • Added ability to define which Wordpress plugins are to be activated when using --prepare-with-reset and when running updates on a Wordpress project


  • Fixed success color rendering in default html theme
  • Fixed a bug in preparing new Wordpress projects
  • Fixed an activity log email formatting error
  • Resolved #189
  • Updating Wordpress core should now be more reliable
  • Gravatars are now being accessed securely
  • Fixed potential unbound variable issue in wp_activate_plugin
  • Cleaned up old code here and there
  • Resolved [#197]


  • Added Mautic integration for reporting on marketing email performance


  • Some variable names in configuration files have changed, and require a new migration process which is described in detail during the update process
  • Removed the ability to set a default commit message
  • Improved Wordpress core and plugin update functions
  • Improved install process


  • Smart Commits include Wordpress core updates once again (#151)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the sending of email in some environments (#193)

3.8.4 - 2-14-2021


  • Updates to Wordpress production databases should now only happen when actually needed
  • Fixed issues generating monthly reports

3.8.3 - 11-12-2020


  • If there are analytics to report, digest emails will now be sent even if there are no code updates to report
  • Monthly PDF format reports can now be attached to invoices when using the --invoice switch


  • Cleaned up some reposnsive layout issues with digests
  • Avg. session duration is displayed correctly in digests

3.8.2 - 10-17-2020


  • Digests can now display detailed traffic, Goodle Ads, and ecommerce activity data


  • Engagement reports and digests now use the more useful pageviews instead of hits
  • Variables changed to use more consistent naming


  • Internal command variables are now correctly initialized

3.8 - 7-13-2020


  • Notification emails can now be sent using external SMTP servers
  • Launching stir using the --prepare-with-reset will completely delete and reset the local copy of the target project, and then launch your defined prepare action
  • The number of days of engagement data to be displayed can now be configured in the projects' theme.conf
  • Project settings can be displayed in an easy to read format using the show-settings switch
  • Added a simple external script for perfoming batch stir actions, see etc/extras/
  • Global project directory and repo host variables are now set during the initial install process
  • Project settings are now backed up when performing a --reset when a global CONFIG_BACKUP is declared
  • Added --update-acf to account for unreliable update checks
  • Added --debug-to-file allowing for very verbose logs to be saved to file called debug.log in your current working directory
  • New releases of stir will now update "in place"
  • --skip-updates now aliases to --skip-updated because I kept forgetting the switch name
  • Added a workaround for emailing Invoice Ninja invoices with an offset invoice numbering


  • Deprecated and removed the gitStatus(), gitStart(), permFix() and fix_index() functions
  • Deprecated the WP_CLI and MAILPATH global variables
  • Deprecated approval functionality
  • Plugins are no longer activated by default, unless required for reliable upgrades
  • Composer now creates less noise in log_files
  • Improved dependency checks
  • Improved temporary file management
  • Improved first-run install process


  • Binary files should no longer confuse log parsing functions
  • Missing project configuration error now exits more gracefully
  • Environment checking works more reliably
  • Analytics functions changed to accept more variation in payloads received from Google
  • Checking for new stir releases works more reliably
  • Fixed a small email text bug
  • Commit authors with no Gravatar image are now correctly given the default profile image
  • Fixed a layout bug in the default HTML email footer

3.7.4 - 11-18-2019


  • Automated Worpdress updates may now made by cloning a temporary copy of the project's repo, running the updates, and destroying upon completion
  • Origin sync is now forced when running using --automate
  • Prepare hook added
  • Added --reset switch
  • Default HTML theme now includes a dark mode


  • deploy is now stir
  • Invoice creation will now exit gracefully if project is not correctly configured
  • Initial project preparation and cloning has been simplified
  • Improved accuracy of smart commit messages
  • Approval queue functions are now deprecated and slated for removal


  • Production URL must now be defined before malware scans are attempted
  • Fixed many small bugs

3.7.3 - 03-12-2019


  • Wordpress projects can now be managed using either composer or wp-cli (or both) transparently
  • ACF Pro update files must now pass an integrity check before proceeding with plugin upgrade


  • Project deployment can be disabled by adding a file called .donotdeploy in the project's root directory (This is the equivalent of setting DO_NOT_DEPLOY="TRUE" in


  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused successful deployment to be incorrectly reported

3.7.2 - 09-25-2018


  • Project dashboards have been redesigned to include more analytics charts and information
  • Digest emails can now include a chart showing the week's analytics


  • Improved HTML post-processing


  • The --stats flag should no longer cause issues when being properly run from a cron process
  • Log files should no longer be left behind in the /tmp directory
  • Fixed a problem where statistic dashboard could get corrupted when multiple instances of deploy --stats are running
  • Unbound variable errors no longer occur when a Google Analytics result is zero

3.7.1 - 07-13-2018


  • Added deploy --build [project name] for quickly building project assets
  • Option to set TERSE="TRUE" in deploy.conf for slightly cleaner log files


  • If a project is using mina and configured to build assets on every deployment, deploy will skip the redunant build step
  • Test emails now contain more project information
  • Improved readability of log files
  • Improved unit testing
  • Cleaned up language for more consistency


  • Trapped an error that prevented deploy --monitor-test [project] from working

3.7 - 05-03-2018


  • Digests now include information about recent malware scans, uptime, latency, and backup stats
  • Invoice creation is now available via InvoiceNinja's API using deploy --invoice
  • Added a very simple built-in web deployment method for instances when using something like mina is unavailble
  • Added malware scanning using Nikto


  • Ports other than 22 can be used for SSH/SCP functions
  • Running with the --automate switch now requires the branch defined as "master" must be currently checked out. The behavior is the equivalent of setting CHECK_BRANCH="${MASTER}"

3.6.7 - 03-05-2018


  • Configuration files now upgrade in place if needed when new versions of deploy are released
  • Statistic reports now display server uptime, latency, and a few handy Google analytics stats


  • Configuration files restructured for better readability
  • Many function and variable names changed for better consistency


  • Remote hosted log files are now correctly deleted when they expire
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when creating statistics for projects with code in approval queue
  • Reports for the month of January now generate correctly
  • Fixed a bug that could rarely report an incorrect Wordpress version number
  • Google analytics no longer incorrectly display for projects that do not use them
  • User configuration files are now created more reliably

3.6.6 - 01-13-2018


  • Server health information now included in email/html logs via integration with PHP Server Monitor using this API
  • Option to include web hosting as a line item on monthly reports
  • Remote servers can now host project logs, digests, statistics, and reports
  • New release check now runs upon launch


  • Item descriptions are now editable in reports
  • Cleaned up email output generated using deploy --email-test
  • Report URLs are now formatted report/YEAR-MONTH.php instead of using a hard to remember string


  • Fixed a bug with running a report on dates in the previous calendar year
  • Added a workaround for Google potentially displaying over 100% of user sessions as new
  • Fixed a bug that kept SSH keys from being properly checked

3.6.5 - 11-17-2017


  • Monthly reports can now be generated using deploy --report [project name]
  • Project configuration files can be named either or
  • New configuration switch INCOGNITO strips emails and file paths from verbose output and log files for greater security
  • Added Webhook integration for SMS digests using Zapier
  • Deployments that fail on push can now be repaired using 'deploy --repair'


  • Links to Github commits now use the correct URL
  • Using bundle in deployment command should now pass checks more accurately
  • Poor analytics results are now correctly filtered from digests

3.6.4 - 09-14-2017


  • Added --update-only switch, allowing for the deployment of only Wordpress plugin/core updates, while skipping over local code changes
  • Added option for email notification to be sent "clean," without full logging information
  • Added a default check for a configuration file ( in project root directory
  • HTML theme colors can be configured in [theme root]/theme.conf
  • Added error handling for projects with no commits


  • Recently changed files that are .gitignored will no longer halt automated deployment
  • Running as root is no longer allowed; this can be overridden by setting ALLOW_ROOT="TRUE"
  • Slightly improved deployment error checking
  • Tightened up many functions


  • All HTML email variables are now correctly validated and post-processed
  • Digests no longer post to Slack when there's been no activity

3.6 - 07-08-2017


  • Added experimental approval/denial code queue functions
  • Added ssh key checking when required, upon starting each deployment session
  • Added ssh configuration check when deploying to live environments via mina
  • Added integration with gitchart for generation of graphic statistics
  • Added integration with Google Analytics for web projects
  • Added Wordpress database checks
  • Added another failsafe check; deploy --automate will not deploy unless repo is on master branch
  • Added --time switch to allowing tracking work time when deploying manually
  • Added project information to test emails sent with the --email-test switch
  • Added deploy --unlock to make it easier remove stale .lock files
  • Added options to define custom file paths used in your Wordpress projects
  • Added email and Slack notification for automated deployments when no updates are available
  • Added email integration test
  • Added the ability to disable Wordpress core updates for sites that require it


  • Improved rendering of emails in Windows 10 Mail client
  • Brought back client emails in the form of a weekly digest
  • When deploying using the --current directory; instead of app directory name, the actual repo name will be used to identify the project in Slack and email notifications
  • Improved readability of full logs
  • Improved language for consistency in some functions


  • Fixed a rare bug with saving HTML logs
  • Fixed a visual bug that displayed incorrect branch names to the user
  • Missing client logos no longer break HTML emails and logs
  • Fixed a bug with Slack not including commit messages when using deploy --automate

3.5.7 - 03-03-2017


  • Added the ability to add time to task management system worklogs via email integration
  • Added deploy --publish for deploying current production code to live environment


  • Updated default HTML theme
  • Logged output is now time stamped
  • Rewrote Slack integration
  • Improved log details


  • Fixed issues with HTML log on mobile devices
  • Fixed a bug with restoring previously checked out branch
  • Fixed a bug in which an Advanced Custom Fields Pro update could create an empty smart commit message

3.5.5 - 02-12-2017


  • Added --no-check switch to override active file and server checks
  • Added the option to stash dirty files during unsupervised deployment of Wordpress updates
  • Added configurable From: email address for log files


  • Upon exit, deploy will now return the repo's current active branch to its original state, instead of assuming checkout of master
  • Improved dependency checks
  • Emails are now sent using Sendmail
  • When run as a cron (--automate) integration emails are now sent from the default email address, not the spoofed user's email
  • Slack webhook URL is no longer displayed in logs


  • Fixed a bug with text-format emails not including complete logs
  • Fixed issue with passing user variable to Slack integration when an error is triggered
  • Fixed output from deploy --function-list and deploy --variable-list [project]
  • Fixed missing path variable that kept deploy --automate from running correctly

3.5 - 11-11-2016


  • Added deploy --automate for scheduled update deployments. Equivalent to deploy --force --update --quiet with the addition of a flag to enable sending a scheduled update email notice to clients
  • Added ability to save HTML logs to local filesystem
  • Added ability to post log files to a remote host with scp
  • Added option to delete log files after a certain amount of days
  • Added HTML email log option, with custom templates assignable either globally or by project
  • Added link to detailed log files from Slack messages
  • Added more robust branch checking
  • Added option to enforce server check


  • Recently changed file checks are now more accurate
  • Logs are now only emailed and posted when something noteworthy has occured - e.g. a commit has been made or an error has occurred
  • Changed checkout behavior - master branch is now only checked out when needed
  • Cleaned up log output
  • Changed default merge behavior - deploy will no longer perform automatic merges unless ran as deploy --merge or AUTOMERGE="TRUE" is defined in config/
  • Existence of all defined branches is now confirmed before starting deployment process


  • Fixed a small bug when repo name is undeclared when not running deploy --current

3.4 - 07-07-2016


  • Added a more reliable method of updating Advanced Custom Fields Pro
  • Added "Garbage Collection" mode to help keep your repo neat and tidy
  • Added optional fix for Wordfence firewall permission problems
  • Added check for .git/index permission issues


  • Fixed some issues that can cause permission problems in certain environments

3.3.4 - 05-16-2016


  • Added Travis CI tests
  • Added deploy --function-list to list all available functions() for help debugging with in the future


  • Cleaned up many functions
  • Cleaned up configuration files
  • Exit codes now pass more reliably to Slack messages


  • Fixed issue with deploy_project() not executing deployment command correctly

3.3.3 - 02-11-2016


  • Added active file check as another failsafe when running as cron (deploy --force --update --quiet) to stop potential issues that may come up in multi-developer environments
  • Added a new option to include error messages in Slack integration
  • Option added to projects' config/ to enforce repo to have a certain branch checked out before beginning deployment session.
  • Added deploy --slack-test to allow testing of Slack integration
  • Added change log


  • Running deploy --current will now deploy the current directory and no longer needs to be launched as deploy --current [project name]

3.3 - 02-03-2016


  • Added ssh key detection, allows manual login to repo host if keys not found
  • Added Slack integration
  • Added deploy --force --update --quiet for unattended Wordpress plugin/core updates via cron scheduling
  • Added deploy --current which will allow for deployment of current working directory if a project is found
  • Added deploy --skip-update

3.1 - 11-12-2015


  • Added install script
  • Added progress indicators
  • Implemented logging
  • Added "Smart Commits" - commit messages are generated automatically based on Wordpress core/plugin updates that have occured


  • Increased detail of verbose output
  • Configuration files for both the user, and the project are now automatically created if not found

3.0 - 10-21-2015


  • Basic wp-cli integration


  • Old monolithic script rewritten