demo/appsList.html unoptimized test time 1100 ms
load optimisation: all vars marshalling is not needed, it is sufficient to marshall only vars from particular script
- use currentScript.EPA_vars in sync code
load optimisation: container window sanitizing is not needed if insulation done properly. Make it optional for hacky or suspicious code. Paranoid security mode.
load optimisation: simultaneous injection of scripts delays whole page until all scripts are executed
serviceWorker support
URL mapping unit test
- async import
release bundle build
CDN deployment
JSFiddle/Plunkr publishing,
fix SCRIPT type!=module : keep original,do not create wrap, unit test
unit test 4 failed to load JS(incorrect syntax & r/t exception)
URL mapping and relative URLs resolving
use view-source: http schema ( instead of page execution) for fetching targetFrame and onTargetLoad(), only in browsers which support view-source:(Chrome,FF, does not work in Edge)
console methods test
window.customElements API
move demo to CDN, does not serve URL params
document.head implementation (as script injection node in microapp)
disable 'serviceWorker' in navigator until implemented
12 dwarfs demo
script nomodule support
support integrity attribute
target attribute in content ( A & FORM )
cookies, scope impl.
insulation layers - define dynamic change logic and restrictions.
- docs for insulation layers
- window.* insulation
Web Components
- wrap window.customElements to use CustomElementRegistry for Web Components scope insulation
- sample with same component tag but different implementation
- CustomElementRegistry use for loading WC via link rel="import"
separate sample on each aspect
clipboard protection & insulation
- intro page, menu & view-source samples, reference to registry
- view-source app pages: view & form ( source url, theme )
Extend HTMLElement instead of Polymer.Element
- use embed-page.js as entry point
bower & npm publish
instructions to use
form post
event handlers re-evaluation for embedded content
compatibility with Polymer, Ionic, Stencil, React, Angular,?...
series of examples in Plunker, add examples into ApiFusion, back links from Plunker to AF as "other examples" link.
Release 1
- remove Polymer dependencies
- remove the use of cancelled XHRs.
- browser-in-browser show case
- onerror event
- "noscript" attribute or scope value to serve content with JS completely disabled
- include embed-script-legacy.js in package as embed-page.js could be served only via type=module, still eill be handy to serve via usual JS script tag.
- embed-page as es6 module ( now fails in strict mode due to 'with' operator ) , use static import instead of dynamic
- evaluate the use of DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument|DOMImplementation.createDocument|new Document()
- populate title attribute into document.head.title (via doc constructor param) & sync head.title to @title from external doc.
- embed-page.promise getter to avoid registering/release "load"/"error" event handlers.
- error event
- cross-domain test: load, JS insulation, scope
- epa.document.origin ===
- BroadcastChannel
- documentElement, firstChild, firstElementChild, lastChild, lastElementChild
- forms, images, anchors, links, ...
- window.focus(), window.blur(), window.closed flag
- window.print()
- network control and management layer. Could be implemented by service workers or wrapping ajax APIs.