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CUDA Programming

The first topic we must address is the existence of separate address spaces for CPU and GPU memory, and moving data between them.

Schematic of host/device memories

We need to take appropriate action in our code.

What to include and what not to include

A standard C/C++ source file may include

#include "cuda_runtime.h"

which is usually relevant for programs to be compiled by nvcc.

There is also a subset

#include "cuda_runtime_api.h"

which is the C interface which does not need to be compiled with nvcc.

C programmers: C must be the subset of C which is also valid C++ to use nvcc.

There is also

#include "cuda.h"

which is the CUDA driver API (a lower level interface). We will not consider the driver API in this course. (CUDA driver API routines are of the form cuDeviceGet().)


There is no explicit initialisation required in the code. The first call to the CUDA API will cause the CUDA context to be initialised behind the scenes.

Memory management

Data accessed by kernels must reside in device memory, sometimes also referred to as device global memory, or just "global memory".

There are different ways of managing the allocation and movement of data between host and device. Broadly:

  1. explicit allocations and explicit copies;
  2. use of 'managed' memory.

We will look at the explicit mechanism first.

Memory Allocation

Declaration is via standard C data types and pointers, e.g.,

  double * data = NULL;   /* Device data */

  err = cudaMalloc(&data, nArray*sizeof(double));

  /* ... perform some work ... */

  err = cudaFree(data);

Such pointers are "host pointers to device memory". They have a value, but cannot be dereferrenced in host code (a programmer error).

We will return to error handling below.

Memory movement

Assuming we have established some data on the host, copies are via cudaMemcpy(). Schematically,

  err = cudaMemcpy(data, hostdata, nArray*sizeof(double),

  /* ... do something ... */

  err = cudaMemcpy(hostdata, data, nArray*sizeof(double),

These are blocking calls: they will not return until the data has been stored in GPU memory (or and error has occurred).

Formally, the API reads

cudaError_t cudaMemcpy(void * dest, void * src, size_t sz,
                       cudaMemcpyKind direction);

Error handling

Most CUDA API routines return an error code of type cudaError_t. It is important to check the return value against cudaSuccess.

If an error occurs, the error code can be interrogated to provide some meaningful information. E.g. use

const char * cudaGetErrorName(cudaError_t err);    /* Name */
const char * cudaGetErrorString(cudaError_t err);  /* Descriptive string */

Error handling in practice

The requirement for error handling often appears in real C code as a macro, e.g.,

  CUDA_ASSERT( cudaMalloc(&data, nArray*sizeof(double) );

To avoid clutter, we omit this error checking in the example code snippets.

However, for the code exercises, we have provided such a macro, and it should be used.

It is particularly important to check the result of the first API call in the code. This will detect any problems with the CUDA context, and may avoid surprises later in the code.

Exercise (20 minutes)

Look at the associated exercise This provides a template for a first exercise which is to implement a simple scale function, which will multiply all the elements of an array by a constant.

The first part of the exercise is to allocate and move data to and from the GPU. We will address the kernel in the next exercise.

First, check you can compile and run the unaltered template code in the queue system.

Recall that we should use

$ nvcc -arch=sm_70

and submit to the queue system using the script provided. If the code has run correctly, you should see in the output something like:

Device 0 name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB
Maximum number of threads per block: 1024
No. elements 256, and correct: 1

showing that only one output array element is correct.

Second, undertake the following steps:

  1. declare and allocate device memory (call it d_x) of type double;
  2. copy the initialised host array h_x to device array d_x
  3. copy the (unaltered) device array d_x back to the host array h_out and check that h_out has the expected values;
  4. release the device resources d_x at the end of execution.

Remember to use the macro to check the return value of each of the CUDA API calls.

As there is no kernel yet, the output h_out should just be the same as the input h_in if operating correctly. All 256 array elements should be correct.


Check the CUDA documentation to see what other information is available from the structure cudaDeviceProp. This will be in the section on device management in the CUDA runtime API reference.

What other possibilities exist for cudaMemcpyKind?

What can go wrong?

What happens if you forget the -arch=sm_70 in the compilation?

What happens if you mess up the order of the host and device references in a call to cudaMemcpy()? E.g.,

  cudaMemcpy(hostdata, devicedata, sz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

where the data has been allocated as the names suggest.