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Shared memory

So far we have seen "global" memory, which is allocated by some mechanism on the host, and is available in the kernel.

We have also used local variables in the kernel, which appear on the stack in the expected fashion. Local variables are expected to be held in registers and take on a distinct value for each thread, e.g.,

  int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

While global memory is shared between all threads, the usage of 'shared memory' is reserved for something more specific in the GPU context. This is discussed below.

Independent accesses to global memory

In what we have seen so far, kernels have been used to replace loops with independent iterations, e.g.,

  for (int i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
    data[i] = 2.0*data[i];

is replaced by a kernel with the body

  int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;

  data[i] = 2.0*data[i];

As each thread accesses an independent location in (global) memory, there are no potential conflicts.

A different pattern

Consider a loop with the following pattern

  double sum = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
    sum += data[i];

The iterations are now coupled in some sense: all must accumulate a value to the single memory location sum.

What would happen if we tried to run a kernel of the following form?

  __global__ myKernel(int ndata, double * data, double * sum) {

    int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    if (i < ndata) *sum += data[i];

The problem

The problem lies in the fact that the increment is actually a number of different operations which occur in order.

   *sum += ndata[i];
  1. Read the current value of sum from memory into a register;
  2. Undertake the appropriate arithmetic in register;
  3. store the new result back to global memory.

If many threads are performing these operations in an uncontrolled fashion, unexpected results can arise.

Such non-deterministic results are frequently referred to as race conditions.

The solution

In practice, potentially unsafe updates to any form of shared memory must be protected by appropriate synchronisation: guarantees that operations happen in the correct order.

For global memory, we require a so-called atomic update. For our example above:

  *sum += data[i];            /* WRONG: unsafe update */
  atomicAdd(sum, data[i]);    /* Correct: atomic update */

Such updates are usually implemented by some form of lock.

So the atomic update is a single unified operation on a single thread:

  1. obtain a lock on the relevant memory location (sum);
  2. read the existing value into register and update;
  3. store the result back to the global memory location;
  4. release the lock on that location.


atomicAdd() is an overloaded device function:

__device__ int atomicAdd(int * address, int value);
__device__ double atomicAdd(double * address, double value);

and so on. The old value of the target variable is returned.

Shared memory in blocks

There is an additional type of shared memory available in kernels introduced using the __shared__ memory space qualifier. E.g.,

  __shared__ double tmp[THREADS_PER_BLOCK];

These values are shared only between threads in the same block.

Potential uses:

  1. marshalling data within a block;
  2. temporary values (particularly if there is significant reuse);
  3. contributions to reduction operations.

Note: in the above example we have fixed the size of the tmp object at compile time ("static" shared memory).


There are quite a large number of synchronisation options for threads within a block in CUDA. The essential one is probably


This is a barrier-like synchronisation which says that all the threads in the block must reach the __syncthreads() statement before any are allowed to continue.


Here is a (slightly contrived) example:

/* Reverse elements so that the order 0,1,2,3,...
 * becomes ...,3,2,1,0
 * Assume we have one block. */

__global__ void reverseElements(int * myArray) {

  __shared__ int tmp[THREADS_PER_BLOCK];

  int idx = threadIdx.x;
  tmp[idx] = myArray[idx];


  myArray[THREADS_PER_BLOCK - (idx+1)] = tmp[idx];

Synchronisation hazards

The usual conisderations apply when thinking about thread synchronisation. E.g.,

   if (condition) {

There is a potential for deadlock.

Branch divergence

It is beneficial for performance to avoid "warp divergence" e.g.,

  int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  if (tid % 2 == 0) {
    /* threads 0, 2, 4, ... */
  else {
    /* threads 1, 3, 5 ... *.

may cause seralisation. For this reason you may see things like

  int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  if ((tid / warpSize) % 2 == 0) {
     /* threads 0, 1, 2, ... */
  else {
     /* threads 32, 33, 34, ... */

where warpSize is another special value provided by CUDA.

Other potential performance concerns

Shared memory via __shared__ is a finite resource. The exact amount will depend on the particular hardware, but may be in the region of 64 KB. (A portable program might have to take action at run time to control this: e.g., using "dynamic" shared memory, where the size is set as a kernel launch parameter.)

If an individual block requires a large amount of shared memory, then this may limit the number of blocks that can be scheduled at the same time, and so harm occupancy.

Exercise (20 minutes)

In the following exercise we we implement a vector scalar product in the style of the BLAS level 1 routine ddot().

The template provided sets up two vectors x and y with some initial values. The exercise is to complete the ddot() kernel which we will give the prototype:

  __global__ void ddot(int n, double * x, double * y, double * result);

where the result is a single scalar value which is the dot product. A naive serial kernel is provided to give the correct result.

Suggested procedure

  1. Use a __shared__ temporary variable to store the contribution from each different thread in a block, and then compute the sum for the block.
  2. Accumulate the sum from each block to the final answer.

Remember to deal correctly with any array 'tail'.

Some care may be needed to check the results for this problem. For debugging, one may want to reduce the problem size; however, there is the chance that an erroneous code actually gives the expected answer by chance. Be sure to check with a larger problem size.


It is possible to use solely atomicAdd() to form the result (and not do anything using __shared__ within a block)? Investigate the performance implications of this (particularly, if the problem size becomes larger). You will need two versions of the kernel.