Fixed OdooSession serialization issue.
Fixed type casting for allowedCompanies as list of Company records.
Fixed the case for Odoo 11.0 when user_companies is false (single company mode).
Returned companyId to OdooSession. Added list of allowedCompanies as well.
Removed companyId from OdooSession since it is not longer returned
Fixed funcName call in callRPC
Updated http dependency version
Add serverVersionInt helper
Treat serverVersion as String
Removed dependency on pre-release sdk
Removed dependency on pre-release sdk
Handle multiple cookies joined with comma
Fixed type castins for session info
Pedantic refactor
Release null-safety version
Add in reqest stream. It will allow to show progress bar while request is executed.
Add optional frontendLang to mimic user's website language. Now it is possible to track phone's locale changes and issue requests with updated language as if it it was set on website.
Removed dependency on uuid package. It allowed to change all dependencies to nullsafety version.
Init session id with empty string if not provided
Add LoggedIn/LoggedOut events
Drop dependency on validators package.
Pre-release of null safety
Migrate to null safety
Use broadcast stream for session update events
Fix typos in README
Handle a case when user's timezone is false instead of String.
Add example of how to create partner.
Session info may not have server info key.
Handle unsuccessful login for older Odoo versions.
Clear sessionId after logout. Final RPC call receives expired session in cookies.
Lower meta version dependency to make flutter_test happy.
Added login and db name to session object.
Updated the example with search_read call.
Introduced OdooSession object.
Now session is destroyed even on network error.
Fixed more typos.
Fixed sessionId getter typo.
Format code with dartfmt.
Added dartdoc comments for public methods.
Fixed indents in Readme file
Updated package layout according to guidelines
Initial Version of the library.
- Includes the ability to issue RPC calls to Odoo server while handling session_id changes on every request.