Repository for the Simulator Study #2
Data preprocessing classes for offline and online pipelines
First make sure stress_preprocessor/config/config.json
is up to date with the latest data schema information.
Run the offline preprocessor:
python -sid [subj_id]
- load the datasets
- assign the stress events
- save the new datasets
- clean and validate timestamps
- features extraction using neurokit
- save preprocessed datasets
The -sid option is required and specifies the participant's ID.
During the offline preprocessing after the datasets are loaded, stress events are being assigned to them and then are saved into csv files.
The stress events are:
"1": {
"accelerate_to_motorway": [[65, 75]],
"cut_in_from_another_vehicle": [[87, 97]],
"sharp_brake": [[93, 103]]},
"2": {
"join_platoon": [[38, 48]],
"platooning": [[70, 80], [88, 147]],
"platoon_vehicle_cut_out": [[77, 87]]},
"3": {
"traffic_light_sharp_break": [[33, 53]],
"phantom_break": [[72, 92]],
"road_crossing": [[103, 123]]},
"6": {
"traffic_light": [[39, 49], [104, 114],
[133, 143], [203, 213]],
"phantom_break": [[66, 76], [176, 186]],
"pedestrian_crossing": [78, 88],
"cut_in_from_a_vehicle": [[308, 318], [533, 543]],
"join_platoon_at_motorway": [[655, 665]],
"platoon_vehicle_cutting_out": [[661, 671], [677, 687]]},
"X": {"traffic_light_slow_down": [[20, 30]],
"pedestrian_crossing": [[59, 69]]}
For the timings that no stress event is happening the value is "normal". For the baseline dataset there are no stress events, the Stress_Events column is None.
Neurokit2 is used for the ECG and EDA feature extraction.
: the raw signal."ECG_Clean"
: the cleaned signal."ECG_R_Peaks"
: the R-peaks marked as “1” in a list of zeros."ECG_Rate"
: heart rate interpolated between R-peaks."ECG_P_Peaks"
: the P-peaks marked as “1” in a list of zeros"ECG_Q_Peaks"
: the Q-peaks marked as “1” in a list of zeros ."ECG_S_Peaks"
: the S-peaks marked as “1” in a list of zeros."ECG_T_Peaks"
: the T-peaks marked as “1” in a list of zeros."ECG_P_Onsets"
: the P-onsets marked as “1” in a list of zeros."ECG_P_Offsets"
: the P-offsets marked as “1” in a list of zeros (only when method in ecg_delineate() is wavelet)."ECG_T_Onsets"
: the T-onsets marked as “1” in a list of zeros (only when method in ecg_delineate() is wavelet)."ECG_T_Offsets"
: the T-offsets marked as “1” in a list of zeros."ECG_R_Onsets"
: the R-onsets marked as “1” in a list of zeros (only when method in ecg_delineate() is wavelet)."ECG_R_Offsets"
: the R-offsets marked as “1” in a list of zeros (only when method in ecg_delineate() is wavelet)."ECG_Phase_Atrial"
: cardiac phase, marked by “1” for systole and “0” for diastole."ECG_Phase_Ventricular"
: cardiac phase, marked by “1” for systole and “0” for diastole."ECG_Atrial_PhaseCompletion"
: cardiac phase (atrial) completion, expressed in percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current cardiac phase."ECG_Ventricular_PhaseCompletion"
: cardiac phase (ventricular) completion, expressed in percentage (from 0 to 1), representing the stage of the current cardiac phase.
Index(['ECG_Raw', 'ECG_Clean', 'ECG_Rate', 'ECG_Quality', 'ECG_R_Peaks',
'ECG_P_Peaks', 'ECG_P_Onsets', 'ECG_P_Offsets', 'ECG_Q_Peaks',
'ECG_R_Onsets', 'ECG_R_Offsets', 'ECG_S_Peaks', 'ECG_T_Peaks',
'ECG_T_Onsets', 'ECG_T_Offsets', 'ECG_Phase_Atrial',
'ECG_Phase_Completion_Atrial', 'ECG_Phase_Ventricular',
: the raw signal."EDA_Clean"
: the cleaned signal."EDA_Tonic"
: the tonic component of the signal, or the Tonic Skin Conductance Level (SCL)."EDA_Phasic"
: the phasic component of the signal, or the Phasic Skin Conductance Response (SCR)."SCR_Onsets"
: the samples at which the onsets of the peaks occur, marked as “1” in a list of zeros."SCR_Peaks"
: the samples at which the peaks occur, marked as “1” in a list of zeros."SCR_Height"
: the SCR amplitude of the signal including the Tonic component. Note that cumulative effects of close-occurring SCRs might lead to an underestimation of the amplitude."SCR_Amplitude"
: the SCR amplitude of the signal excluding the Tonic component."SCR_RiseTime"
: the time taken for SCR onset to reach peak amplitude within the SCR."SCR_Recovery"
: the samples at which SCR peaks recover (decline) to half amplitude, marked as “1” in a list of zeros.
Index(['EDA_Raw', 'EDA_Clean', 'EDA_Tonic', 'EDA_Phasic', 'EDA_SCR_Onsets',
'EDA_SCR_Peaks', 'EDA_SCR_Height', 'EDA_SCR_Amplitude',
'EDA_SCR_RiseTime', 'EDA_SCR_Recovery', 'EDA_SCR_RecoveryTime'],
Defined in 'stress_preprocessor/config/offline_config.json' with key "fod_feats". The features in this list are selected from EDA and ECG feature names.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 124000 entries, 0 to 15499
Data columns (total 38 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Time 124000 non-null object
1 ScenarioID 123999 non-null object
2 RepetitionID 123999 non-null object
3 Stress 123999 non-null float32
4 ECG_Raw 123999 non-null float32
5 ECG_Clean 124000 non-null float64
6 ECG_Rate 124000 non-null float64
7 ECG_Quality 124000 non-null float64
8 ECG_R_Peaks 124000 non-null int64
9 ECG_P_Peaks 124000 non-null int64
10 ECG_P_Onsets 124000 non-null int64
11 ECG_P_Offsets 124000 non-null int64
12 ECG_Q_Peaks 124000 non-null int64
13 ECG_R_Onsets 124000 non-null int64
14 ECG_R_Offsets 124000 non-null int64
15 ECG_S_Peaks 124000 non-null int64
16 ECG_T_Peaks 124000 non-null int64
17 ECG_T_Onsets 124000 non-null int64
18 ECG_T_Offsets 124000 non-null int64
19 ECG_Phase_Atrial 123504 non-null float64
20 ECG_Phase_Completion_Atrial 124000 non-null float64
21 ECG_Phase_Ventricular 123504 non-null float64
22 ECG_Phase_Completion_Ventricular 124000 non-null float64
23 EDA_Raw 123999 non-null float32
24 EDA_Clean 124000 non-null float64
25 EDA_Tonic 124000 non-null float64
26 EDA_Phasic 124000 non-null float64
27 EDA_SCR_Onsets 124000 non-null int64
28 EDA_SCR_Peaks 124000 non-null int64
29 EDA_SCR_Height 124000 non-null float64
30 EDA_SCR_Amplitude 124000 non-null float64
31 EDA_SCR_RiseTime 124000 non-null float64
32 EDA_SCR_Recovery 124000 non-null int64
33 EDA_SCR_RecoveryTime 124000 non-null float64
34 ECG_Raw_diff 123998 non-null float32
35 EDA_Raw_diff 123998 non-null float32
36 ECG_Clean_diff 124000 non-null float64
37 EDA_Clean_diff 124000 non-null float64
dtypes: float32(5), float64(16), int64(14), object(3)
memory usage: 34.5+ MB
Saved at stress_preprocessor/graphs
To do the online preprocessing initialize the Preprocessor and then call Preprocessor's "online_run" passing the streaming dictionary to it. The Preprocessor is located in stress_preprocessor/preprocessors/
To run a mock preprocessing, run:
- Visualize raw time series, must be adapted from previous version
- Error handling based on the error_col, replace row with null values
- Imputation is currently handled by Neurokit2. Use visualization if something is really wrong to remove whole participant's data
- Null values concerning the initial features exist in the final df