What is our tech stack?
- HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
- No framework.
- No extra dependency.
How tasks will be distributed?
- We will came up with a process to distribute tasks. 🕑
- Basically, there will be 4 parts: A) Beginner B) Independent C) Active D) Expert
- Tasks will be distributed accordingly in small groups.
When will we start working on this?
- We can start within a week because there are many beginners who would need assistance. Hang on with us :)
Is there any pre-requisite to be a part of Twindle?
- No, you can contribute to the project in these ways: Team: Helping each other, speaking up, pair programming, making and sharing videos (for this project). Github: Updating the first PR and README.md, posting questions, or discussing in the issues created.
What is git branching in git?
Git branches are alternative working directory system within git repository. In essence, they are the backbone of version control and code management feature provided by git. Here's a video explaining the git branch in short
What to do next after creating a GitHub account?
- Fork the project from this link
- Create the first PR.
How to make a PR(Pull Request)?
- For the first 3 tasks after you joined, you can check the ONBOARDING page.
- For a general PR, this tutorial will walk you throught using VSCode and GUI:
- PR needs 2 code reviewer in order to be approved, if you made a PR, copy the link and share it into the Twitter group so people can assign it to themselves and approve it.
- We have a Github Team for all the members and more and more contributions are welcomed.
Tips for your PR
close, closes, closed, fix, fixes, fixed, resolve, resolves, resolved
e.g. closes #102, closes #33, closes #14
e.g. closes #102 #33 #14
- Mute yourself
- Unmute only if you are speaking
- Stay in a noise-free environment
- If you are in a noisy environment don't speak
What will be the Google Meet timing?
- 5 pm IST
How to know what happened during that Google meet if I missed?
- Someone will take notes and share it with the team.
- You can also watch the videos on this list of the YT channel.
Where to make the logo from?
- May use free platforms like Canva, Gimp, or Inkspace
- Use photoshop (if you already have the software)
How to share the logo I made?
- Comment on the issue #4 "We need a logo" raised by johnjacobkenny
- Share in the respective twitter group you belong to.
Is it necessary to make a logo?
- No, it is just a part of the project. So, if you are not comfortable with it, its okay.