For converting twitter threads to PDFs, we initially need to compose HTML comprising of that twitter thread with some styling and then we can consequently convert it to PDF.
Twitter thread --> HTML --> PDF
To compose that HTML from twitter thread we cannot directly give tweet text to PDF because it would just look like a pile of text. So we will be using a template in which we can input this twitter thread content. For creating that HTML from a template and we will be using Handlebars
Handlebars is a simple templating language. It generates HTML from a template which contains placeholders containing Handlebars expressions. Lets see in detail.
For example, below is a template that has two two Handlebars expressions
<p>{{firstname}} {{lastname}}</p>
If applied to the input object
firstname: "Vijaya",
lastname: "Bhaskar",
the expressions will be replaced by the corresponding properties. The result is then
<p>Vijaya Bhaskar</p>
( React JS people can already feel familiar with this by props-components thing 😃 )
Already @tolgaerdonmez has implemented Handlebars to create a HTML from a template. Lets decode his code 😄 Following is the code from the template Thread.hbs
<h1 id="title">Twindle Thread</h1>
{{!-- uses the twit mock object from mock API --}}
{{#each thread}}
<div class="tweetContainer">
<div class="header">
<img src="{{image}}" alt="{{twitterHandle}}" />
<h3>{{name}} - <span>@{{twitterHandle}}</span></h3>
In the above code we can see expressions like {{image}} {{twiiterHandle}} {{tweet}} where we input content using a JSON here. This template when given the JSON input of twitter thread data generates HTML.
Now, lets see how the template rendering is done. Following is the code from render-template.js
const hbs = require("handlebars");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
// renders the html template with the given data and returns the html string
function renderTemplate(data, templateName) {
const html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `templates/${templateName}.hbs`), {
encoding: "utf-8",
// creates the Handlebars template object
const template = hbs.compile(html);
// renders the html template with the given data
const rendered = template(data);
return rendered;
module.exports = renderTemplate;
In the above code there are three main blocks, lets see one by one.
Block 1: We are primarily are reading the file contents of the template here by giving the template name.
const html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `templates/${templateName}.hbs`), {
encoding: "utf-8",
Block 2: Compiling the template so it can be executed immediately.
const template = hbs.compile(html);
Block 3: When given input data it would generate the HTML using the template.
const rendered = template(data);
return rendered;
And finally in index.js, we are inputting "../mock/twit-thread.json" data to "Thread.hbs" Handlebars template to generate required html.
const htmlContent = renderTemplate({ thread: mockData }, "Thread");
Thanks to @tolgaerdonmez for the amazing code.
Hope you understood Handlebars and how to render HTML using a template.
Let me know 👍 or 👎