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the easeist way to utilities android elements such as Snackbar, AlertDialog, SharedPrefrences and more!


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Android Helpers

this library is here to simplify and shorten the usage of basic and more advanced Android utilities. check the Roadmap for all development goals and progress


Installation & Implementations

using gradle

Add it in your project settings.gradle at the end of repositories:

 dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }


Add the dependency at your app level build.gradle

 dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.EZHard-Studio:AndroidHelpers:[version]'

using maven

Add the JitPack repository to your build file


Add the dependency




using SnackbarHelper static functions to show and build snackbars.

static class name: SnackbarHelper
available static functions:

  • showSnackbar
  • buildSnackbar
Parameter Type Description
view View the root view to anchor Snackbar
type SnackbarType determains the background color, either SUCCESS, ERROR, WARNING or INFO
message String the message to display at the Snackbar
actionText String if null action button hidden, otherwise, the action button label equals the actionText value
actions SnackbarHelperActions interface to pass on your actions, if null default action is to dismiss snackbar
duration int the duration to display the snackbar. use Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE to display snackbar indefinatly


set snackbar default colors:

                getColor(R.color.your_success_color),   // default Color.GREEN
                getColor(R.color.your_error_color),     // default Color.RED
                getColor(R.color.your_warning_color),   // default Color.YELLOW
                getColor(R.color.your_info_color));     // default Color.BLUE

or you can change one specific color at a time:

                SnackbarHelper.SnackbarType.SUCCESS,   // you can choose SUCSESS, ERROR, WARNING or INFO.

display snackbar with action:

                findViewById(, //i would recommend to pass on the root view of the layout.
                SnackbarHelper.SnackbarType.SUCCESS,// you can choose SUCSESS, ERROR, WARNING or INFO.
                "display this message at the snackbar",
                () -> Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "snackbar dismissed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(),
                Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);// you can choose to use Snackbar default durations, or just put the value to display in milliseconds

display snackbar with default dismiss action:

                findViewById(, //i would recommend to pass on the root view of the layout.
                SnackbarHelper.SnackbarType.SUCCESS,// you can choose SUCSESS, ERROR, WARNING or INFO.
                "display this message at the snackbar",
                Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);// you can choose to use Snackbar default durations, or just put the value to display in milliseconds

display snackbar without any action:

                findViewById(, //i would recommend to pass on the root view of the layout.
                SnackbarHelper.SnackbarType.SUCCESS,// you can choose SUCSESS, ERROR, WARNING or INFO.
                "display this message at the snackbar",
// if you choose do hide any action from the snackbar. setting the duration to LENGTH_INDEFINITE
// would result in an undismissable snackbar.

you can use a builder function to get a snackbar instance instead of just showing it, just replace showSnackbar to buildSnackbar. the buildSnackbar function return a snackbar instance.

Shared Preferences

using SharedPreferencesHelper to construct instances.

constractor overview:

Parameter Type Description
context Context required for SharedPreferences initialization
prefType String the id for the desired SharedPreferences
keepInstance boolean if true, the instance of SharedPreferences is saved in an internal static map, query the desired SharedPreferences using prefType as key


standard initialization and usage:

SharedPreferencesHelper helper = new SharedPreferencesHelper(this,"pref1",false); 
//setting primitive data

//getting primitive data, second argument is default value.

instance map initialization and usage

new SharedPreferencesHelper(this,"pref1",true);
//setting primitive data

//getting primitive data, second argument is default value.

setting and getting custom object:

Gson library is required:

implementation ''

you can use these functions on SharedPreferencesHelper instances

setObject("objKey",new Obj(0,"str",true));
getObject("objkey",new TypeToken<Obj>() {}.getType(), new Obj(0,"str",true));

because the implementation of the set and get depends of turning the object to and from a Json, these functions can throw SharedPreferencesHelperException when the object you requested to set or get cannot turn to json successfully

best practice:

keep a final static string for each prefType and in the SplashScreen or similar pre-launch scope initilize your SharedPreferences instances. you can access them anywhere in your app using the instances static map.### Alert Dialogs

using AlertDialogHelper static functions to show different typs of Dialogs.

static class name: AlertDialogHelper
available static functions:

  • showBasicAlertDialog
  • showListAlertDialog
  • showSingleChoiceAlertDialog
  • showMultiChoiceAlertDialog
  • showDatePickerDialog
  • showTimePickerDialog


Parameter Type Description
context Context The context in which the dialog should be shown.
title String title of the dialog
message String message of the dialog
positiveButtonLabel String label for positive button (e.g. "Yes")
negativeButtonLabel String label for negative button (e.g. "No")
backgroundColor int *OPTIONAL, setting the dialog background color, and automatically calculate best color for text accordingly
dialogCallback BasicDialogCallback callback for dialog positive \ negative button click
AlertDialogHelper.showBasicAlertDialog(context, title, message, positiveButtonLabel, negativeButtonLabel, new AlertDialogHelper.DialogCallback() {
            public void onPositiveClick() {

            public void onNegativeClick() {


Parameter Type Description
context Context The context in which the dialog should be shown.
title String title of the dialog
items String[] array of items to display at dialog
backgroundColor int *OPTIONAL, setting the dialog background color, and automatically calculate best color for text accordingly
dialogCallback ListDialogCallback callback for dialog item click action, return item index
AlertDialogHelper.showListAlertDialog(context, title, [item1,item2,item3],
 new AlertDialogHelper.DialogCallback() {
             public void onItemClick(int position) {


Parameter Type Description
context Context The context in which the dialog should be shown.
title String title of the dialog
items String[] array of items to display at dialog
checkedItem int default index of selected item
backgroundColor int *OPTIONAL, setting the dialog background color, and automatically calculate best color for text accordingly
dialogCallback SingleChoiceDialogCallback callback for dialog item select action, return item index
AlertDialogHelper.showSingleChoiceAlertDialog(context, title, [item1,item2,item3], defaultSelectionIndex, 
 new AlertDialogHelper.SingleChoiceDialogCallback() {
           public void onItemSelected(int position) {


Parameter Type Description
context Context The context in which the dialog should be shown.
title String title of the dialog
items String[] array of items to display at dialog
checkedItems boolean[] must be same length of items, indicate default state of each item index respectively
positiveButtonLabel String label for positive button (e.g. "Yes")
negativeButtonLabel String label for negative button (e.g. "No")
backgroundColor int *OPTIONAL, setting the dialog background color, and automatically calculate best color for text accordingly
dialogCallback MultiChoiceDialogCallback callback for dialog item select action, onPositiveClick returns array of the selected items indexes
AlertDialogHelper.showMultiChoiceAlertDialog(context, title, [item1,item2,item3], [false,false,false], positiveButtonLabel, negativeButtonLabel,  
 new AlertDialogHelper.MultiChoiceDialogCallback() {
           public void onItemSelected(int position, boolean isChecked) {

           public void onPositiveClick(Integer[] selectedItemsIndexes) {

           public void onNegativeClick() {


Parameter Type Description
context Context The context in which the dialog should be shown.
year int The initially selected year
month int The initially selected month (0-11).
day int The initially selected day of the month.
backgroundColor int *OPTIONAL, setting the dialog background color, and automatically calculate best color for text accordingly
dialogCallback DatePickerCallback after date selected, interface callback returning year, monnth and day
AlertDialogHelper.showDatePickerDialog(contextr, year, month, day, new AlertDialogHelper.DatePickerCallback() {
           public void onDateSelected(int year, int month, int day) {



Parameter Type Description
context Context The context in which the dialog should be shown.
hour int The initially selected hour (0-23).
minute int The initially selected minute (0-59)
backgroundColor int *OPTIONAL, setting the dialog background color, and automatically calculate best color for text accordingly
dialogCallback TimePickerCallback after date selected, interface callback returning hourOfDay and minute
  AlertDialogHelper.showTimePickerDialog(context, hour, minute, new AlertDialogHelper.TimePickerCallback() {
           public void onTimeSelected(int hourOfDay, int minute) {


Notifications Builder

full disclosure: this Notifications Builder is for a simple Notifications without actions or services to prompt while app is not running. this helper will provide a simple way to prompt a notification while the app is running (foreground or background).

onstractor overview:

Parameter Type Description
context Context required for SharedPreferences initialization
channelId String an id for the channel, if exists the channel name and description will get updated using channelName and channelDescription
channelName String name of the channel
channelDescription String description of the purpose of the channel
importance ChannelImportance set cahnnel importance

all NotificationHelper instances saved in a static map instances under their channelId

static functions:

  • requestNotificationPermission(Activity activity) - prompt a permission request from the user to diplay notifications.
  • isChannelIdExists(Context context, String channelId) - return true if channel id already exists
  • cancelNotification(Context context, int notificationId) - remove the notification with notificationId from statusbar
  • deleteNotificationChannel(Context context, String channelId) - delete the channel with id channelId


standard initialization and usage:

NotificationHelper helper = new NotificationHelper(context,channelId,channelName,channelDescription);


instance map initialization and usage

new NotificationHelper(context,channelId1,channelName1,channelDescription1);
new NotificationHelper(context,channelId2,channelName2,channelDescription2); 


best practice:

keep a final static string for each channelId, channelName and channelDescription to initilize in a SplashScreen or similar pre-launch scope. you can access them anywhere in your app using the instances static map to prompt a notification.

another tip:

setting different importance to channels, and priorites to notifications, will make notification behave differently. from only popping in the statusbar to display an entire notification at the top of the screen.
