Opinionated template on how to set up a Kubernetes Webhook. It requires cert-manager version 0.13.0 installed on the cluster.
-- change the imports to be http imports from this repository
let Webhook = ./package.dhall
let k8s = ../k8s/1.15.dhall
let exampleWebhook =
, imageName = "docker/whalesay:latest" -- replace with webhook image
, name = "whalesay"
, namespace = "default"
, path = "/mutate"
, port = 8080
, rules =
[ k8s.RuleWithOperations::{
, operations = [ "CREATE", "UPDATE" ]
, apiGroups = [ "" ]
, apiVersions = [ "v1" ]
, resources = [ "pods" ]
in Webhook.renderMutatingWebhook exampleWebhook
To implement a webhook in Haskell, you can use https://github.com/EarnestResearch/kubernetes-webhook-haskell/