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Prepayment implementation of the EasyAbp.PaymentService module.


Should also install the PaymentService module since this module depends on it.

  1. Install the following NuGet packages. (see how)

    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.Application
    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.Application.Contracts
    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.Domain
    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.Domain.Shared
    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.EntityFrameworkCore
    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.HttpApi
    • EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.HttpApi.Client
    • (Optional) EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.MongoDB
    • (Optional) EasyAbp.PaymentService.Prepayment.Web
  2. Add DependsOn(typeof(PaymentServicePrepaymentXxxModule)) attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how)

  3. Add builder.ConfigurePaymentServicePrepayment(); to the OnModelCreating() method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs.

  4. Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document.


  1. Register the Prepayment payment method:

    Configure<PaymentServiceOptions>(options =>
  2. Configure the prepayment to define a account group:

    Configure<PaymentServicePrepaymentOptions>(options =>
        options.AccountGroups.Configure<DefaultAccountGroup>(accountGroup =>
            accountGroup.Currency = "CNY";

    please refer to the ConfigurePaymentServicePrepayment method in the Web module of the sample app.

  3. Use the API /api/payment-service/prepayment/account (with the request param UserId), then the account will be created automatically.

  4. Top up your account:

    1. Use the API /api/payment-service/prepayment/account/top-up to start top-up.

    2. Use the API /api/payment-service/prepayment/account/{id} to get the ExtraProperties.PendingTopUpPaymentId.

    3. Use the API /api/payment-service/payment/{id}/pay to finish the payment. (for example you can use WeChatPay to top up your prepayment account, please refer to the document of the payment method you want)

    4. If you want to cancel an ongoing payment, please use the API /api/payment-service/payment/{id}/cancel.

    Or just change the balance directly with the management pages if you have the account management permission.

  5. Pay with prepayment account.

    1. Create a payment with the payment method Prepayment.

      Other modules or apps should create payments via distributed events. Skip this step if you are using the EasyAbp.EShop.

      See sample code
      await _distributedEventBus.PublishAsync(new CreatePaymentEto
          TenantId = CurrentTenant.Id,
          UserId = CurrentUser.GetId(),
          PaymentMethod = "Prepayment",   // Should specify the payment method as "Prepayment"
          Currency = "CNY",   // Should be same as the currency configuration of your prepayment account group
          PaymentItems = orders.Select(order => new CreatePaymentItemEto
              ItemType = "MyCustomKeyword", // It is just a sample and you can customize it yourself
              ItemKey = order.Id,
              OriginalPaymentAmount = order.Price

      please refer to the usage in EShop

    2. Use the API /api/payment-service/payment/{id}/pay to finish the payment, please put the necessary params in the ExtraProperties:

          "extraProperties": {
              "AccountId": "82D49C17-9282-4822-9EE9-A0685529D707" // Id of the prepayment account that you use to pay

    Skip the following steps if you are using the EasyAbp.EShop.

    See more steps
    1. Handle the payment created distributed event to get and remember the PaymentId.

      See sample code
      public class MyCustomPaymentCreatedEventHandler : IDistributedEventHandler<EntityCreatedEto<PaymentEto>>, ITransientDependency
          [UnitOfWork(isTransactional: true)]
          public virtual async Task HandleEventAsync(EntityCreatedEto<PaymentEto> eventData)
              foreach (var item in eventData.Entity.PaymentItems.Where(item => item.ItemType == "MyCustomKeyword"))
                  // Persistence the PaymentId of the ongoing payment, so user can get it in some way.

      please refer to the usage in EShop

    2. Handle the payment canceled distributed event to clear the remembered the PaymentId.

      See sample code
      public class MyCustomPaymentCanceledEventHandler : IDistributedEventHandler<PaymentCanceledEto>, ITransientDependency
          [UnitOfWork(isTransactional: true)]
          public virtual async Task HandleEventAsync(PaymentCanceledEto payment)
              foreach (var item in payment.PaymentItems.Where(item => item.ItemType == "MyCustomKeyword"))
                  // Remove the remembered PaymentId.

      please refer to the usage in EShop

    3. Handle the payment completed distributed event:

      See sample code
      public class MyCustomPaymentCompletedEventHandler : IDistributedEventHandler<PaymentCompletedEto>, ITransientDependency
          [UnitOfWork(isTransactional: true)]
          public virtual async Task HandleEventAsync(PaymentCompletedEto payment)
              foreach (var item in payment.PaymentItems.Where(item => item.ItemType == "MyCustomKeyword"))
                  // Maybe you can automatically send out the goods to the customer here.

      please refer to the usage in EShop


  • Unit tests.