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Generic List Component for the Frontend where Content can be filtered in an advanced way... Veni, vidi, vici!


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Vidi for TYPO3 CMS

Generic List Component where Content can be filtered in an advanced way... Veni, vidi, vici! This extension is based on Vidi which provides more or less the same feature set but in the Backend.

Once installed, it can be configured what content type to render associated with a customizable template in the plugin record in the Backend. On the Frontend side, we use the excellent DataTables which is a powerful jQuery plugin smart and fast to sort and filter data. The Filter bar is provided by the Visual Search jQuery plugin which offers nice facet capabilities and intuitive search.

Live example

Project info and releases

Stable version:

Development version:

git clone

News about latest development are also announced on

Installation and requirement

The preferred way is to install the extension via Composer as follows:

composer require fab/vidi-frontend

# -> next step is to open the BE and activate the extension in the Extension Manager.

You are almost there! Create a Content Element of type "Vidi Frontend" in General Plugin > Generic List Component and configure at your convenience.

Template based display

As of Vidi Frontend 1.3, it is possible to configure a custom template to display the records. We can register a new template by TypoScript.

plugin.tx_vidifrontend {
		settings {

		# Used in plugin "Generic List - with template
		listTemplates {
			# We disable existing template for demo purposes
			1 >
			# Best is to use a key as of 100 to not override existing configuration
			# Tip: get inspired by EXT:vidi_frontend/Resources/Private/Standalone/DemoTemplateList.html
			100 {
                label = My specila list
                path = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Standalone/MyList.html
                additionalSettingsHelp (
                     # We can add additional settings tip for the BE user.
                     # The settings will be passed to list view.

Start editing template file EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Standalone/MyList.html.

Route Enhancer

For TYPO3 v9, to be added in /config/sites/[SITE_IDENTIFIER]/config.yml.

    type: Plugin
    # limitToPages: [12]
    routePath: '/content/{action}/{contentElement}-{content}'
    namespace: 'tx_vidifrontend_pi1'
      action: "show"
      content: '[0-9].*'
      contentElement: '[0-9].*'


The plugin can be configured in various places such as TypoScript, PHP or in the plugin record itself.

Important by default, the CSS + JS files are loaded for Bootstrap. For a more Vanilla flavor, edit the path in the settings key in TypoScript and load the right assets for you. See below the comments::

# plugin.tx_vidifrontend
plugin.tx_vidifrontend {

    settings {

        asset {

            vidiCss {
                # For none Bootstrap replace "vidi_frontend.bootstrap.min.css" by "vidi_frontend.min.css"
                path = EXT:vidi_frontend/Resources/Public/Build/StyleSheets/vidi_frontend.bootstrap.min.css
                type = css

            vidiJs {
                # For none Bootstrap replace "vidi_frontend.bootstrap.min.js" by "vidi_frontend.min.js"
                path = EXT:vidi_frontend/Resources/Public/Build/JavaScript/vidi_frontend.bootstrap.min.js
                type = js

Custom Grid Renderer

Assumming we want a complete customized output for a column, we can can achieve this by implementing a Grid Render. Here is an exemple for table fe_users. We first have to register the new column in the TCA in some Configuration/TCA/Override/fe_users.php.

$tca = [
    'grid_frontend' => [
        'columns' => [

            # The key is totally free here. However we prefix with "__" to distinguish between a "regular" column associated to a field.
            '__my_custom_column' => [
                'renderers' => array(
                'sorting' => FALSE,
                'sortable' => FALSE,
                'label' => '',

\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($GLOBALS['TCA']['fe_users'], $tca);

The corresponding class to be placed in EXT:MyExt/Classes/Grid/MyColumnRenderer:

namespace Vendor\MyExt\Grid;

 * Class to render a custom output.
class MyColumnRenderer extends Fab\Vidi\Grid\ColumnRendererAbstract {

     * Render a publication.
     * @return string
    public function render() {
        return $output;

Adjust column configuration

Configuration of the columns is taken from the TCA. Sometimes we need to adjust its configuration for the Frontend and we can simply enriches it. Best is to learn by example and get inspired by EXT:vidi_frontend/Configuration/TCA/fe_users.php:

$tca = array(
    'grid_frontend' => array(
        'columns' => array(

            # Custom fields for the FE goes here
            'title' => [],

Custom Facets

Facets are visible in the Visual Search and enable the search by criteria. Facets are generally mapped to a field but it is not mandatory ; it can be arbitrary values. To provide a custom Facet, the interface \Fab\Vidi\Facet\FacetInterface must be implemented. Best is to take inspiration of the \Fab\Vidi\Facet\StandardFacet and provide your own implementation.

$tca = [
    'grid_frontend' => [
        'facets' => [
            new \Vendor\MyExt\Facets\MyCustomFacet(),

\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($GLOBALS['TCA']['fe_users'], $tca);

The associate class:

namespace Vendor\MyExt\Facets;

use Fab\Vidi\Facet\FacetInterface;
use Fab\Vidi\Facet\StandardFacet;
use Fab\Vidi\Persistence\Matcher;

 * Class for configuring a custom Facet item.
class CategoryPublicationFacet implements FacetInterface

     * @var string
    protected $name = '__categories_publications';

     * @var string
    protected $label = 'Categories';

     * @var array
    protected $suggestions = [];

     * @var string
    protected $fieldNameAndPath = 'metadata.categories';

     * @var string
    protected $dataType;

     * @var string
    protected $canModifyMatcher = true;

     * Constructor of a Generic Facet in Vidi.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $label
     * @param array $suggestions
     * @param string $fieldNameAndPath
    public function __construct($name = '', $label = '', array $suggestions = [], $fieldNameAndPath = '')

     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

     * @return string
    public function getLabel()
        return $this->label;

     * @return array
    public function getSuggestions()

        return [1 => 'foo', 2 => 'bar', ];

     * @return bool
    public function hasSuggestions()
        return true;

     * @return string
    public function getFieldNameAndPath()
        return $this->fieldNameAndPath;

     * @param string $dataType
     * @return $this
    public function setDataType($dataType)
        $this->dataType = $dataType;
        return $this;

     * @return bool
    public function canModifyMatcher()
        return $this->canModifyMatcher;

     * @param Matcher $matcher
     * @param $value
     * @return Matcher
    public function modifyMatcher(Matcher $matcher, $value)
        if (MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($value)) {
            $matcher->equals('metadata.categories', $value);
        } else {
            $matcher->like('metadata.categories', $value);
        return $matcher;

     * Magic method implementation for retrieving state.
     * @param array $states
     * @return StandardFacet
    static public function __set_state($states)
        return new CategoryPublicationFacet($states['name'], $states['label'], $states['suggestions'], $states['fieldNameAndPath']);

Register a new template

The detail view of the content can be personalized per plugin record. To register more templates, simply define them in your TypoScript configuration. This TypoScript will typically be put under within EXT:foo/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt:

plugin.tx_vidifrontend {
    settings {
        templates {

            # Key "1", "2" is already taken by this extension.
            # Use key "10", "11" and following for your own templates to be safe.
            10 {
                title = Foo detail view
                path = EXT:foo/Resources/Private/Templates/VidiFrontend/ShowFoo.html
                dataType = fe_users

Add custom Constraints

If required to add additional custom constraints at a "low" level, one can take advantage of a Signal Slot in the Content Repository of Vidi. To do so, first register the slot in one of your ext_localconf.php file:

$signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher');


Next step is to write and customise the PHP class as given as example below. You can freely manipulate the $constraints object and personalize at your need:

namespace Vendor\Extension\Aspects;

use Fab\Vidi\Persistence\Query;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Qom\ConstraintInterface;

 * Class which handle signal slot for Vidi Content controller
class ProductsAspect {

     * Post-process the constraints object to respect the file mounts.
     * @param Query $query
     * @param ConstraintInterface|null $constraints
     * @param $constraintContainer|null
     * @return array
    public function processConstraints(Query $query, $constraints, $constraintContainer)
        if ($this->isFrontendMode() && $query->getType() === 'tt_products') {

            $additionalConstraints = $query->logicalAnd(
                $query->logicalNot($query->equals('title', '')),
                $query->logicalNot($query->equals('image', ''))

            $constraints = null === $constraints
                ? $additionalConstraints
                : $query->logicalAnd(
        return [$query, $constraints, $constraintContainer];

     * Returns whether the current mode is Frontend
     * @return bool
    protected function isFrontendMode()
        return TYPO3_MODE === 'FE';

Transmit dynamic parameter

We can transmit additional GET / POST parameter to dynamically filter the result set in the Grid. A typical use case is to add a drop down menu to do some additional filter. In this case, the parameter name must look like where "foo" is a field name. The value can be a simple value (equals) or a CSV list which will be interpreted as an array (in).


Add custom Actions

By default, Vidi Frontend includes some default mass actions such as XML, CSV, XLS export. It is of course possible to add your own actions. Two steps are required for that. The first is to declare in the TCA:

$tca = array(
    'grid_frontend' => [
        'columns' => [
        'actions' => [

\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($GLOBALS['TCA']['tx_domain_model_foo'], $tca);

Then, you need to declare your own class and implement the MassActionInterface where we have two main methods:

  • render() where the HTML for the menu item is assembled.
  • execute() where we get the items from the request and we can process them according to our needs. The execute() method must return a ResultActionInterface which includes the response plus possibles headers to be sent to the client (browser).
namespace Vendor\MyExt\MassAction;

use Fab\VidiFrontend\Service\ContentService;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility;

 * Class MyAction
class MyAction extends AbstractMassAction

     * @var string
    protected $name = 'my_action';

     * @return string
    public function render()
        $result = sprintf('<li><a href="%s" class="export-csv" data-format="csv"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> %s</a></li>',
            LocalizationUtility::translate('my_action', 'foo')
        return $result;

     * Return the name of this action..
     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

     * Execute the action.
     * @param ContentService $contentService
     * @return ResultActionInterface
    public function execute(ContentService $contentService)
        $result = new JsonResultAction();
        $objects = $contentService->getObjects();

        // Make sure we have something to process...
        if ((bool)$objects) {

            // do something


        return $result;

On the top of that you may consider loading your own JS to catch the action and trigger on the client side whatever action is necessary for your such as an Ajax request.

RealURL configuration

RealURL configuration could look as follows to display nice URL to a detail view.

'postVarSets' => [
    '_DEFAULT' => [
        'content' => [
            ['GETvar' => 'tx_vidifrontend_pi1[contentElement]'],
            ['GETvar' => 'tx_vidifrontend_pi1[action]'],
            ['GETvar' => 'tx_vidifrontend_pi1[content]'],

Building assets in development

The extension provides JS / CSS bundles which included all the necessary code. If you need to make a new build for those JS / CSS files, consider that Bower and Grunt must be installed on your system as prerequisite.

Install the required Web Components:

cd typo3conf/ext/vidi_frontend

# This will populate the directory Resources/Private/BowerComponents.
bower install

# Install the necessary NodeJS package.
npm install

Then, you can run the Grunt of the extension to generate a build:

cd typo3conf/ext/vidi_frontend
grunt build

While developing, you can use the watch which will generate the build as you edit files:

grunt watch

Patch VisualSearch

To improve the User experience, Visual Search plugin has been patched avoiding the drop down menu to appear inopportunely. It means when making a fresh build, the patch must be (for now) manually added:

cd Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/
grep -lr "app.searchBox.searchEvent(e)" .

-> There should be 2 occurrences. Comment lines below related to "_.defer".

# Remove assumed already jQuery from dependency
curl > Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js
curl >> Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js
curl >> Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js
curl >> Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js
curl >> Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js
curl >> Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js
curl >> Resources/Private/BowerComponents/visualsearch/build-min/dependencies.js


Generic List Component for the Frontend where Content can be filtered in an advanced way... Veni, vidi, vici!







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  • PHP 12.8%
  • Other 1.5%