Simple python library that handle execution time of a script and display the result in many way.
You can install the module via pip :
pip install kleentimer
or via wheel file From PyPi :
pip install wheel
python -m wheel install wheel_file.whl
The aim of kleentimer is to make it simple for the user to get a script made timer.
First import it to your script :
from kleentimer import kleentimer
Then you can setup the format that will be displayed at the end of the execution :
- You got three usable variables (those are not mandatory, you can print only secondes and minutes and all possibility like that)
- hours
- minutes
- secondes
kleentimer.init_timer("The script run for {hours}h {minutes}min and {secondes}sec")
When you want to set the start of your script you can use the function start_timer()
And when you want to stop the timer simply call end_timer()
Then the function elapsed_time() return the string formatted with the right formatting
output = kleentimer.elapsed_time()
>> The script run for 02h 06min and 20sec