- ci: refactor ci workflow in several workflows (#81)
- include localstack folder with a working demo (#80)
- refactor: remove Swagger from webapi lambda dotnet (#79)
- introduce dotnet DI in both webapi and function (#78)
- refactor: unlimit the max_body_size in influxdb
- refactor: simplify terraform outputs (#77)
- add Function inside webapi using DI (#75)
- refactor: update readme (#73)
- refactor: clean up local load testing folder (#71)
- include docker-compose to load-test dotnet-webapi with k6+grafana (#70)
- refactor: update readme.md (#68)
- ci: ecs (#67)
- include ecs service (#66)
- remove untagged images from ecr (#65)
- correct tfm-destroy.sh script
- correct typo in tfm-destroy.sh script (#63)
- introduce fargate service (#62)
- fix clean-up and cd workflows (#61)
- fix clean-up and cd workflows (#60)
- include first call performance tests (#55)
- test: force deployment (#53)
- refactor: include example for the script export-aws-credentials (#52)
- retention days to 1 for dotnet-function lambda (#50)
- include apigw logs (#49)
- include update-lambda-code.sh for local development (#48)
- include conversation-id in nodejs lambda
- include conversation-id in python lambda
- include conversation-id in dotnet-function lambda
- include conversation-id in dotnet-webapi lambda
- docs: update readme (#46)
- introduce dotnet lambda as a single function (#45)
- ci: performance tests in main branch (#44)
- forgot prefix 'artifacts' when deleting artifacts (#43)
- check for s3 iac artifact when destroying infrastructure (#42)
- refactor: refactor delete-artifacts.sh (#41)
- logs for all lambdas main (#40)
- introduce python lambda (#39)
- include BUCKET_NAME when deleting artifacts (#37)
- include env vars when deleting artifacts (#36)
- introduce pull-request-closed-workflow
- ci: force deployment
- ci: force semver (#34)
- refactor: add manual deploy/configuration to readme (#31)
- fix s3 tfvars key on destroy.sh script (#25)
- refactor: remove role and destination account from tfvars (#24)
- add aws region to destroy workflow (#23)
- introduce destroy workflow (#22)
- ci: refactor readme (#21)
- ci: improve performance tests (#20)
- introduce performance tests (#19)
- ci: run e2e tests in pull requests (#18)
- introduce environment as prefix of infra name(s) (#17)
- include apigw, cloudwatch and outputs to terraform files (#16)
- ci: improve readme (#15)
- ci: fix version value during continuous-deployment flow (#14)
- ci: fix butcket name for continuous delivery flow (#13)
- introduce deployments (#12)
- ci: set (sem)version when creating artifacts from main branch (#11)
- ci: fix semver artifact upload workflow (#10)
- ci: fix semver artifact upload workflow (#9)
- create and upload artifacts (#8)
- ci: remove dotnet lambda installation (#7)
- ci: fix changelog generation (#3)