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Explore the boundaries of Python as you journey through 90 comprehensive sessions tailored for mastering machine learning and AI. From foundational Python skills to advanced deep learning techniques, this program offers a structured path to expertise, blending theory with hands-on practice.

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Comprehensive Python Training for AI and Machine Learning: 90 Sessions of Excellence

Comprehensive Python Training for AI and Machine Learning: 90 Sessions of Excellence

Explore the boundaries of Python as you journey through 90 comprehensive sessions tailored for mastering machine learning and AI. From foundational Python skills to advanced deep learning techniques, this program offers a structured path to expertise, blending theory with hands-on practice. Designed to prepare you for real-world challenges in data science, each session is meticulously crafted with clear objectives, detailed topics, practical exercises, and expert insights. Embark on this transformative learning experience to empower your career in the dynamic fields of AI and machine learning.

Prerequisites for this program include:

  • Basic programming knowledge (preferably in Python)
  • Familiarity with fundamental concepts in mathematics (algebra, statistics)
  • Interest and motivation to learn machine learning and AI concepts

Table of Contents

Weeks 1-3: Basic Python

Week 1

Session 1: Introduction to Python Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand the basics of Python programming and environment setup.

  • Topics: Python installation, IDEs, basic syntax, variables, data types.
  • Exercise: Write a Python program to print "Hello, World!" and perform basic arithmetic operations.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Setting up Python environment is crucial; IDEs like PyCharm offer robust features for development.Begin Session

Session 2: Control Structures Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about decision-making and loops in Python.

  • Topics: if, elif, else statements, for and while loops, break and continue.
  • Exercise: Write a program to find the factorial of a number using loops.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Control structures determine flow; understanding loop control flow aids in efficient program execution.Begin Session

Session 3: Functions Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand the concept of functions and how to create them.

  • Topics: Defining functions, function arguments, return values, scope of variables.
  • Exercise: Create a function to check if a number is prime.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Functions encapsulate logic; using parameters and return values enhances code reusability and readability.Begin Session

Week 2

Session 4: Data Structures - Lists and Tuples Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about lists and tuples for storing collections of data.

  • Topics: Creating, accessing, modifying lists and tuples, list comprehensions.
  • Exercise: Write a program to perform matrix addition.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Lists and tuples are fundamental data structures; list comprehensions offer concise ways to manipulate data.Begin Session

Session 5: Data Structures - Dictionaries and Sets Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand dictionaries and sets for data storage and manipulation.

  • Topics: Creating, accessing, modifying dictionaries and sets, dictionary comprehensions.
  • Exercise: Write a program to count the frequency of each word in a string.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Dictionaries are key-value pairs; sets ensure uniqueness of elements, useful in many algorithms.Begin Session

Session 6: Working with Strings Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about string manipulation and methods.

  • Topics: String operations, slicing, formatting, methods.
  • Exercise: Write a program to reverse a string and check if it is a palindrome.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Strings are immutable; slicing and methods like split() and join() aid in efficient string handling.Begin Session

Week 3

Session 7: File Handling Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to read from and write to files.

  • Topics: File operations (open, read, write, close), context managers.
  • Exercise: Write a program to read a text file and count the number of lines.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: File handling ensures data persistence; context managers (with statement) manage resources efficiently.Begin Session

Session 8: Error Handling Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about exception handling to make your code robust.

  • Topics: try, except, else, finally, raising exceptions.
  • Exercise: Write a program to handle division by zero error.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Exception handling prevents program crashes; raise custom exceptions to provide meaningful error messages.Begin Session

Session 9: Modules and Packages Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to use and create modules and packages.

  • Topics: Importing modules, creating your own modules, Python Standard Library.
  • Exercise: Create a module with functions for basic mathematical operations.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Modules organize code; leverage Python's Standard Library for extensive functionality.Begin Session

Session 10: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn the basics of OOP in Python.

  • Topics: Classes, objects, methods, attributes.
  • Exercise: Create a class to represent a bank account and implement deposit and withdrawal methods.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: OOP enhances code structure; classes encapsulate data and behavior, promoting modularity and reusability.Begin Session

Weeks 4-6: Advanced Python

Week 4

Session 11: OOP - Inheritance and Polymorphism Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand inheritance and polymorphism.

  • Topics: Inheritance, method overriding, polymorphism.
  • Exercise: Create a base class Shape and derive classes Circle and Rectangle with area methods.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Inheritance promotes code reuse; polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated uniformly.Begin Session

Session 12: OOP - Encapsulation and Abstraction Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about encapsulation and abstraction.

  • Topics: Private and protected members, property decorators, abstract classes.
  • Exercise: Implement a class with private attributes and provide getters and setters.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Encapsulation restricts access to data; abstraction hides implementation details, focusing on interface.Begin Session

Session 13: Iterators and Generators Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to use iterators and generators for efficient looping.

  • Topics: Iterators, __iter__, __next__, generators, yield.
  • Exercise: Write a generator function to generate Fibonacci numbers up to a given limit.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Iterators simplify traversal; generators generate values lazily, conserving memory and improving performance.Begin Session

Week 5

Session 14: Decorators Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about decorators to modify the behavior of functions.

  • Topics: Function decorators, class decorators, @property.
  • Exercise: Create a decorator to measure the execution time of a function.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Decorators add functionality to functions; use @staticmethod and @classmethod to define static and class methods.Begin Session

Session 15: Context Managers Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand context managers for resource management.

  • Topics: with statement, creating custom context managers.
  • Exercise: Implement a context manager to handle file operations.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Context managers ensure resource cleanup; __enter__ and __exit__ methods define context manager behavior.Begin Session

Session 16: Regular Expressions Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about regular expressions for pattern matching.

  • Topics: re module, common patterns, match, search, findall, sub.
  • Exercise: Write a program to validate email addresses using regular expressions.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Regular expressions match patterns in strings; compile regex patterns for efficiency in repeated searches.Begin Session

Week 6

Session 17: Working with Dates and Times Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to handle dates and times.

  • Topics: datetime module, formatting dates, time arithmetic.
  • Exercise: Write a program to calculate the number of days between two dates.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Dates and times facilitate temporal calculations; use timedelta for date arithmetic.Begin Session

Session 18: Logging Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about logging for tracking events during program execution.

  • Topics: logging module, basic configuration, log levels, handlers.
  • Exercise: Implement logging in a sample application to record key events.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Logging provides visibility into program behavior; configure loggers, handlers, and formatters for comprehensive logging.Begin Session

Session 19: Multithreading Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to use multithreading to perform concurrent operations.

  • Topics: threading module, creating and managing threads, thread synchronization.
  • Exercise: Write a program to download multiple web pages concurrently.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Multithreading improves concurrency; use locks (Lock and RLock) for thread synchronization to prevent data corruption.Begin Session

Session 20: Multiprocessing Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about multiprocessing for parallel execution.

  • Topics: multiprocessing module, creating processes, process synchronization.
  • Exercise: Write a program to calculate the sum of numbers in a large list using multiple processes.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Multiprocessing utilizes multiple CPU cores; Pool class simplifies process management and data sharing.Begin Session

Weeks 7-9: Python for Data Analysis

Week 7

Session 21: Introduction to NumPy Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand the basics of NumPy for numerical computations.

  • Topics: Arrays, array operations, indexing, slicing, reshaping.
  • Exercise: Create a NumPy array and perform basic arithmetic operations.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: NumPy arrays facilitate efficient numerical operations; use broadcasting for element-wise operations on arrays.Begin Session

Session 22: Advanced NumPy Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn advanced features of NumPy.

  • Topics: Broadcasting, vectorization, linear algebra operations, random number generation.
  • Exercise: Solve a system of linear equations using NumPy.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: NumPy's vectorized operations improve performance; leverage NumPy's linalg module for linear algebra computations.Begin Session

Session 23: Introduction to Pandas Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand the basics of Pandas for data manipulation.

  • Topics: DataFrames, Series, reading/writing data, indexing, selecting data.
  • Exercise: Load a CSV file into a DataFrame and perform basic data analysis.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Pandas simplifies data manipulation; use iloc and loc for integer and label-based indexing, respectively.Begin Session

Week 8

Session 24: Data Cleaning with Pandas Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn data cleaning techniques using Pandas.

  • Topics: Handling missing data, data transformation, merging, concatenation.
  • Exercise: Clean a messy dataset and prepare it for analysis.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Data cleaning ensures data quality; use fillna, dropna, and apply for missing data handling and transformation.Begin Session

Session 25: Data Visualization with Matplotlib Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to visualize data using Matplotlib.

  • Topics: Basic plots, customization, subplots, histograms, scatter plots.
  • Exercise: Create various plots to visualize a dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Matplotlib offers extensive customization; use plt.xlabel, plt.title, and plt.legend for labels, titles, and legends in plots.Begin Session

Session 26: Advanced Data Visualization with Seaborn Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn advanced data visualization techniques using Seaborn.

  • Topics: Statistical plots, aesthetics, themes, pair plots, heatmaps.
  • Exercise: Create a heatmap to visualize the correlation between variables in a dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Seaborn simplifies complex visualizations; sns.pairplot, sns.heatmap, and sns.set_theme enhance visualization aesthetics.Begin Session

Week 9

Session 27: Working with Time Series Data Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to analyze and visualize time series data.

  • Topics: Date/time indexing, resampling, rolling windows, seasonal decomposition.
  • Exercise: Analyze and plot trends in a time series dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Time series analysis requires date/time indexing; use resample, rolling, and seasonal_decompose for time series decomposition.Begin Session

Session 28: Introduction to SQL and SQLite Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn the basics of SQL and SQLite for database operations.

  • Topics: SQL syntax, querying databases, creating tables, CRUD operations.
  • Exercise: Perform CRUD operations on an SQLite database using Python.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: SQL is a standard language for database operations; SQLite is a lightweight, embedded database suitable for small-scale applications.Begin Session

Session 29: Data Analysis with SQL and Pandas Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to combine SQL and Pandas for data analysis.

  • Topics: Using Pandas' read_sql and to_sql functions, querying databases, joining tables.
  • Exercise: Query data from an SQLite database and perform data analysis using Pandas.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Pandas integrates seamlessly with SQL databases; use SQLAlchemy's create_engine for database connection and merge for joining DataFrames.Begin Session

Session 30: Statistical Analysis with SciPy Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn statistical analysis techniques using SciPy.

  • Topics: Statistical tests (t-test, ANOVA), distributions (normal, binomial, chi-square), hypothesis testing.
  • Exercise: Perform hypothesis testing on a dataset using SciPy.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: SciPy extends NumPy with statistical functions; use ttest_ind, f_oneway, and chi2_contingency for hypothesis testing and statistical analysis.Begin Session

Weeks 10-12: Machine Learning Fundamentals

Week 10

Session 31: Introduction to Machine Learning Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand the basics of machine learning.

  • Topics: Supervised vs. unsupervised learning, types of machine learning algorithms.
  • Exercise: Train a simple linear regression model on a dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Machine learning automates predictive tasks; use scikit-learn's LinearRegression for regression tasks.Begin Session

Session 32: Linear Regression Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about linear regression for modeling relationships between variables.

  • Topics: Simple vs. multiple linear regression, assumptions, evaluation metrics (R-squared, MSE).
  • Exercise: Implement linear regression to predict housing prices based on features.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Linear regression assumes linear relationships; evaluate model performance using R-squared and mean squared error (MSE).Begin Session

Week 11

Session 33: Logistic Regression Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand logistic regression for binary classification tasks.

  • Topics: Logistic function, odds ratio, decision boundary, evaluation metrics (accuracy, precision, recall).
  • Exercise: Implement logistic regression to predict the likelihood of customer churn.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Logistic regression models probabilities; use confusion matrix, accuracy, precision, recall for model evaluation.Begin Session

Session 34: Decision Trees and Random Forests Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about decision trees and ensemble methods like random forests.

  • Topics: Decision tree construction, splitting criteria, random forest algorithm, feature importance.
  • Exercise: Build a random forest model to classify iris flower species.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Decision trees capture non-linear relationships; ensemble methods improve generalization and handle overfitting.Begin Session

Session 35: Support Vector Machines (SVM) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand SVM for classification and regression tasks.

  • Topics: Maximum margin, kernel trick, hyperplane, support vectors.
  • Exercise: Implement SVM to classify handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: SVM finds optimal hyperplanes; use kernels (linear, polynomial, RBF) for non-linear classification tasks.Begin Session

Session 36: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about KNN for classification and regression based on proximity.

  • Topics: Distance metrics (Euclidean, Manhattan), KNN algorithm, tuning K.
  • Exercise: Implement KNN to classify iris flower species based on features.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: KNN relies on instance-based learning; choose K using cross-validation for optimal performance.Begin Session

Week 12

Session 37: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand PCA for dimensionality reduction.

  • Topics: Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, variance explained, PCA algorithm.
  • Exercise: Perform PCA on a high-dimensional dataset and visualize the results.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: PCA reduces feature space; interpret principal components for understanding data variance and dimensionality reduction.Begin Session

Session 38: Feature Engineering Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn techniques for feature engineering.

  • Topics: Feature scaling, encoding categorical variables, feature selection.
  • Exercise: Preprocess a dataset by applying feature engineering techniques.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Feature engineering enhances model performance; scale features (min-max, standardization), use one-hot encoding for categorical variables.Begin Session

Session 39: Model Evaluation and Selection Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand how to evaluate and select machine learning models.

  • Topics: Cross-validation, hyperparameter tuning (GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV).
  • Exercise: Perform hyperparameter tuning on a machine learning model using cross-validation.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Model evaluation ensures robustness; use k-fold cross-validation for unbiased performance estimation and hyperparameter tuning.Begin Session

Session 40: Pipeline and Model Deployment Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about machine learning pipelines and model deployment.

  • Topics: Pipelines, joblib, Flask, Docker.
  • Exercise: Create a machine learning pipeline and deploy a model using Flask.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Pipelines streamline workflows; deploy models as REST APIs using Flask, containerize applications with Docker for scalability and reproducibility.Begin Session

Weeks 13-15: Deep Learning Fundamentals

Week 13

Session 41: Introduction to Neural Networks Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand the basics of neural networks.

  • Topics: Perceptrons, activation functions, forward and backward propagation.
  • Exercise: Implement a simple neural network from scratch using NumPy.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Neural networks mimic the brain's neurons; implement gradient descent for training and backpropagation for error propagation.Begin Session

Session 42: Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about TensorFlow and Keras for deep learning.

  • Topics: Overview of TensorFlow, Keras API, building neural networks.
  • Exercise: Build and train a neural network using TensorFlow and Keras.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: TensorFlow and Keras simplify deep learning; use high-level APIs (Sequential, Functional) for building and training neural networks.Begin Session

Session 43: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand CNNs for image recognition.

  • Topics: Convolutional layers, pooling layers, architectures (LeNet, AlexNet, VGG).
  • Exercise: Implement a CNN for image classification on the MNIST dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: CNNs capture spatial dependencies; understand convolutional layers, pooling operations, and popular architectures for image classification.Begin Session

Week 14

Session 44: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about RNNs for sequential data.

  • Topics: RNN theory, LSTM, GRU, applications in time series and NLP.
  • Exercise: Implement an LSTM network for sentiment analysis on text data.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: RNNs handle sequential data; use LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) for modeling temporal dependencies.Begin Session

Session 45: Transfer Learning Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand transfer learning for leveraging pre-trained models.

  • Topics: Transfer learning theory, fine-tuning, popular pre-trained models (VGG, ResNet).
  • Exercise: Fine-tune a pre-trained CNN on a new image dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Transfer learning speeds up model training; adapt pre-trained models using feature extraction and fine-tuning techniques for specific tasks.Begin Session

Session 46: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about GANs for generating new data.

  • Topics: GAN theory, generator and discriminator networks, applications.
  • Exercise: Implement a GAN to generate synthetic images.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: GANs generate realistic data; understand generator and discriminator networks, training adversarial networks for image generation.Begin Session

Week 15

Session 47: Autoencoders Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand autoencoders for unsupervised learning.

  • Topics: Autoencoder theory, applications in dimensionality reduction and anomaly detection.
  • Exercise: Implement an autoencoder for anomaly detection in a dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Autoencoders compress data; reconstruct input with minimal loss, apply for dimensionality reduction and anomaly detection tasks.Begin Session

Session 48: Reinforcement Learning Basics Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn the basics of reinforcement learning.

  • Topics: RL theory, Markov Decision Processes (MDP), Q-learning.
  • Exercise: Implement a simple Q-learning algorithm for a gridworld environment.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Reinforcement learning learns from rewards; model RL problems as MDPs, use Q-learning for policy optimization in dynamic environments.Begin Session

Session 49: Advanced Reinforcement Learning Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand advanced RL techniques.

  • Topics: Deep Q-Networks (DQN), policy gradients, actor-critic methods.
  • Exercise: Implement a DQN for a simple game environment.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Advanced RL improves learning efficiency; use DQN for handling high-dimensional state spaces, implement actor-critic methods for policy optimization.Begin Session

Session 50: Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn the basics of NLP.

  • Topics: Text preprocessing, tokenization, bag of words, TF-IDF.
  • Exercise: Implement a text classification model using TF-IDF and logistic regression.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: NLP analyzes and interprets human language; preprocess text data, convert to numerical representations (bag-of-words, TF-IDF), classify using ML algorithms.Begin Session

Weeks 16-18: Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Week 16

Session 51: Sequence Models for NLP Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand sequence models for NLP tasks.

  • Topics: RNNs, LSTMs, GRUs for NLP, applications in language modeling and translation.
  • Exercise: Build and train an LSTM model for text generation.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Sequence models capture sequential dependencies; use RNN variants (LSTM, GRU) for NLP tasks like text generation and sentiment analysis.Begin Session

Session 52: Attention Mechanisms Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about attention mechanisms in deep learning.

  • Topics: Self-attention, multi-head attention, Transformer architecture.
  • Exercise: Implement a Transformer model for machine translation.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Attention mechanisms focus on relevant parts of input; understand self-attention, multi-head attention in Transformer architecture for NLP tasks.Begin Session

Session 53: Advanced Computer Vision with CNNs Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand advanced CNN architectures and techniques.

  • Topics: Residual networks (ResNet), object detection, image segmentation.
  • Exercise: Implement a Faster R-CNN for object detection in images.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Advanced CNNs improve accuracy; use ResNet for deeper architectures, implement object detection and segmentation tasks using CNNs.Begin Session

Week 17

Session 54: Unsupervised Learning - Clustering Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about clustering techniques for unsupervised learning.

  • Topics: K-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN.
  • Exercise: Cluster a dataset using K-means and visualize the clusters.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Clustering groups data points; use K-means for centroid-based clustering, DBSCAN for density-based clustering, visualize clusters for insights.Begin Session

Session 55: Unsupervised Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand dimensionality reduction techniques.

  • Topics: PCA for dimensionality reduction, t-SNE for visualization.
  • Exercise: Apply t-SNE to visualize high-dimensional data clusters.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Dimensionality reduction simplifies data; use PCA for feature extraction, t-SNE for visualization of high-dimensional data clusters.Begin Session

Session 56: Advanced Deployment Techniques Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn advanced techniques for model deployment.

  • Topics: Dockerization, model serving with TensorFlow Serving, Kubernetes.
  • Exercise: Deploy a machine learning model using Docker and Kubernetes.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Advanced deployment ensures scalability; containerize models with Docker, orchestrate using Kubernetes, serve models with TensorFlow Serving for production environments.Begin Session

Week 18

Session 57: Time Series Forecasting Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand time series forecasting techniques.

  • Topics: ARIMA, SARIMA, Prophet, LSTM for time series forecasting.
  • Exercise: Build and evaluate a time series forecasting model using ARIMA.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Time series models predict future trends; use ARIMA for stationary data, LSTM for sequence modeling in time series forecasting.Begin Session

Session 58: Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about anomaly detection techniques in time series data.

  • Topics: Statistical methods, machine learning approaches, LSTM-based approaches.
  • Exercise: Detect anomalies in a time series dataset using statistical and ML-based methods.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Anomaly detection identifies unusual patterns; apply statistical methods (mean, std dev), ML-based approaches (Isolation Forest), LSTM for sequence-based anomaly detection.Begin Session

Session 59: Recommender Systems Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand recommender systems for personalized recommendations.

  • Topics: Collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, hybrid approaches.
  • Exercise: Build a movie recommender system using collaborative filtering.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Recommender systems personalize recommendations; use collaborative filtering (user-item matrix), content-based filtering (item features), hybrid approaches for diverse recommendations.Begin Session

Session 60: Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn advanced NLP techniques.

  • Topics: Word embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe), BERT, sentiment analysis, text generation.
  • Exercise: Fine-tune BERT for sentiment analysis on a custom dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Advanced NLP models understand context; use Word2Vec, GloVe for word embeddings, BERT for language understanding tasks like sentiment analysis and text generation.Begin Session

Weeks 19-24: WhisperVision Project Development

Week 19

Session 61-76: WhisperVision Project Development Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Work on a hands-on WhisperVision project applying machine learning or deep learning techniques.

  • Topics: Project planning, data collection, preprocessing, model selection, evaluation.
  • Exercise: Implement end-to-end machine learning or deep learning project on a real-world dataset.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: WhisperVision project applies learned skills; plan, execute, and present project using Python, machine learning, or deep learning techniques for practical problem-solving.Begin Session

Week 20-21

Session 77: Model Optimization and Tuning Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Optimize and tune models for better performance.

  • Topics: Hyperparameter tuning, model optimization techniques.
  • Exercise: Perform hyperparameter tuning and optimization on models for WhisperVision project.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Model tuning enhances performance; grid search, random search for hyperparameter tuning, optimize models for WhisperVision project using Python libraries.Begin Session

Week 22

Session 78: Model Deployment - Part 1 Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Prepare models for deployment.

  • Topics: Model serialization, Flask basics, setting up a web server.
  • Exercise: Serialize trained model and set up basic Flask web server for deployment.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Model serialization ensures portability; Flask web server setup, REST API creation for model deployment using Python, Flask for scalable applications.Begin Session

Week 23

Session 79: Model Deployment - Part 2 Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Deploy models as web applications.

  • Topics: Creating REST APIs, handling requests, Docker basics.
  • Exercise: Create REST APIs for models and deploy using Docker.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: REST APIs serve model predictions; Docker containerization for scalable deployment, handle requests using Python, Flask, Docker for production-ready applications.Begin Session

Week 24

Session 80: Model Monitoring and Maintenance Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand model monitoring and maintenance post-deployment.

  • Topics: Monitoring model performance, handling model drift, updating models.
  • Exercise: Implement monitoring system for deployed model.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Model monitoring ensures reliability; handle model drift, update models using Python, monitor performance, and maintain models for continuous improvement.Begin Session

Weeks 25-30: Specialization and Advanced Topics

Week 25

Session 81: Advanced NLP with Transformers Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Dive deeper into transformers for advanced NLP tasks.

  • Topics: Advanced transformer architectures, applications in summarization and question answering.
  • Exercise: Implement transformer-based model for text summarization.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Transformers improve NLP performance; understand transformer architectures (BERT, GPT) for advanced NLP tasks like summarization and QA using Python, Hugging Face Transformers.Begin Session

Week 26

Session 82: Image Generation with GANs Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Explore advanced GAN techniques for image generation.

  • Topics: StyleGAN, BigGAN, applications in high-resolution image generation.
  • Exercise: Implement StyleGAN model for generating high-resolution images.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: GANs generate realistic images; apply StyleGAN, BigGAN for high-resolution image generation using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Week 27-28

Session 83: Deep Learning for Healthcare Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn about deep learning applications in healthcare.

  • Topics: Medical image analysis, disease prediction, healthcare data challenges.
  • Exercise: Implement deep learning model for disease prediction using healthcare data.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Deep learning improves healthcare outcomes; analyze medical images, predict diseases using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch for healthcare applications.Begin Session

Session 84: Autonomous Systems and Robotics Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand deep learning applications in autonomous systems and robotics.

  • Topics: Robot perception, control systems, reinforcement learning in robotics.
  • Exercise: Implement reinforcement learning algorithm for simple robotic control task.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Deep learning enhances robotic capabilities; perceive environment, control robots, apply RL for autonomous systems using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Week 29

Session 85: Explainable AI (XAI) Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn techniques for making AI models interpretable.

  • Topics: Model interpretability, SHAP, LIME, XAI applications.
  • Exercise: Apply XAI techniques to interpret complex deep learning model.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: XAI enhances transparency; interpret models using SHAP, LIME for explainable AI using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Session 86: Ethics in AI Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand ethical considerations in AI development.

  • Topics: Bias in AI, fairness, accountability, transparency, ethical guidelines.
  • Exercise: Analyze case study on ethical issues in AI, propose solutions.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: Ethics ensure responsible AI use; mitigate bias, ensure fairness, accountability in AI development using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Week 30

Session 87: AI in Finance Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Explore AI applications in finance industry.

  • Topics: Algorithmic trading, credit scoring, fraud detection.
  • Exercise: Implement machine learning model for credit scoring.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: AI enhances financial decision-making; apply ML for trading, credit scoring, fraud detection using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Session 88: AI for Social Good Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Learn AI applications for social good.

  • Topics: AI in education, healthcare, environmental monitoring, humanitarian efforts.
  • Exercise: Develop AI solution for social good problem.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: AI addresses societal challenges; apply AI in education, healthcare, environmental monitoring for social good using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Session 89: Future Trends in AI Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Understand future trends and advancements in AI.

  • Topics: Emerging AI technologies, AI research trends, impact on society.
  • Exercise: Write research report on future trends in AI.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: AI drives technological advancements; analyze emerging trends, impact on society using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch.Begin Session

Session 90: Final Project Presentation Watch this session over YouTube

Objective: Present final WhisperVision project.

  • Topics: Project presentation, feedback, discussion of learnings.
  • Exercise: Present final WhisperVision project to class, receive feedback.More Exercises
  • Session Preview: WhisperVision presentation showcases skills; summarize findings, present using Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, discuss learnings, receive feedback for continuous improvement.Begin Session

This detailed program combines foundational Python skills with advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques, ensuring a comprehensive understanding through practical exercises and real-world applications.

Happy Learning πŸ‘ πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»


Explore the boundaries of Python as you journey through 90 comprehensive sessions tailored for mastering machine learning and AI. From foundational Python skills to advanced deep learning techniques, this program offers a structured path to expertise, blending theory with hands-on practice.






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