This is a professional blog created "from scratch" to validate the « PHP/Symfony developer» training with OpenClassrooms. Creation of administration and public interfaces programmed with PHP language and MVC architecture.
Installation of the project, requires:
- PHP version 7.3.8
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 4.5.3
- MySQL version 5.7.26
- Apache Server 2.2.34
- Composer 2.0
- Twig 2.13
- PHPMailer 6.2
- phpDocumentor 3.0
- Copy the link on GitHub and clone it on your local repository
- Install Composer
- Create a class in App/utilities named DatabaseConstant.php like this:
namespace App\utilities;
final class DatabaseConstant {
const HOST= '';
const DBNAME='';
const USER='';
const PASS='';
and write the parameter of your database between each ' '.
- Create your database in MySQL named EG-blog and import the file database.sql
- display posts’ list
- read a post
- contact form via phpmailer
- log in/log out
- write a comment in a post
- add a post
- update a post
- delete a post
- validate a comment