This project was made to validate my training as a web PHP/Symfony developer. The fake company ToDo & Co developed its first application with Symphony framework 3.1 a few years ago and didn’t maintain it.
This application allows registered and logged-in users to manage the to-do list of their team.
My job was to improve it.
Installation of To Do List requires:
- Symfony 4.4
- PHP version 7.4.12
- MySQL version 5.7
- Apache Server 2.4.46
- Composer 2.0
- Doctrine/ORM < 2.5
- Bootstrap 5.0
Dependency used for testing the project:
- phpunit/phpunit < 9.5
- On your local machine, create a local repository and make a
git remote add
to your GitHub repository - Copy the link on GitHub and clone it on your local repository
git clone
- Open your terminal and run:
composer install
to install dependencies - Open file .env and configure username and password for database connection. Example:
- Create database:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
- Fill the database with fixtures:
php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Only registered users can access to the application:
- Get list of all tasks to do
- Get list of all tasks done
- Get the details of a task
- Edit a task
- Mark a task as done
- Delete a task (if the user is the author of the task)
- Authenticate
The admin can also:
- Create a user
- Edit a user
- Manage unassigned tasks
Run the tests:
In your terminal, run vendor/bin/phpunit
photos: @SaroOh
If you want to contribute to this project and make it better, your help is very welcome. Look the documentation to see how contribute.