description |
Welcome to Aoi.JS Documentarian Page - Functions / Callbacks |
Aoi.JS is a package with simplified and ready-to-use functions for Discord Bot Developers to develop their own Discord Bots.
Aiming to be the easiest package to learn
It's swift and flexible using functions.
Open Source for the Community ❤️
const Aoijs = require("aoi.js")
const bot = new Aoijs.Bot({
token: "TOKEN", //Discord Bot Token
prefix: "!" //Customizable
bot.onMessage() //Allows to run Commands
name: "ping", //Trigger name (command name)
code: `$ping Pong!` //Code
channel: "", //You can use this or not.
code: `$log[Ready on $userTag[$clientID]]` //Enter the code / message.
What are variables?
Variables are Key-Value based data which is stored in the database, useful for Economy and Leveling system as it is allows you to save data.
VariableName1: "Value", //Returns "Value"
VariableName2: "Value2" //Returns "Value2"
What are callbacks?
It's simple and easy process, it essentially allows you to trigger events, such as user joining a Guild. This will trigger an event, causing commands with supported type for each callbacks to be executed such as.
channel: "Channel ID", //Enter a Channel ID
code: `<@$authorID> just joined, welcome!` //This can be changed
With easy and simple functions, you can make Slash Commands with your Bots quick!
name: "slash",
code: `$createSlashCommand[$guildID;version;Returns Aoi.js Version]`
name: "version",
code: `$interactionReply[$packageVersion]`
More Information in our Documentation
With our powerful Package, we incorporated Music with several functions. We allowed customization and control over what you want.
Music Setup Example
name: "play", //Trigger name (command name)
code: `$playSong[song;leave vc time;defean (yes or no);leave when vc empty (yes/no);error]`
More Information in our Documentation
Aoi.JS was made by Aoi.JS Team