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ElandaOfficial edited this page Nov 27, 2020 · 1 revision


  • VenumType needs to be a valid VEnum

Important notes

  • VenumSet incorporates a bitset as its storage, for this reason the iterator class does not necessarily follow the C++ standards


Parameters Description
None Constructs a new VenumSet without any set constants.
Container Constructs a new VenumSet from an iterable container containing VEnum constants.
const Constants &... Constructs a new VenumSet from a list of VEnum constants.



Name Description
all() Creates a VenumSet with all constants set.
complementOf(VenumSet) Creates a VenumSet from another with all constants not set in that one.
range(VenumType, VenumType) Creates a VenumSet from a range of set constants. (their ordinals)


Name Description
emplace(Constant) Adds a constant to the set.
erase(Iterator) Removes a constant from the set.
erase(Iterator, Iterator) Removes a range of constants from the set by iterator.
erase(VenumType) Removes a value from the set by key.
clear() Removes all constants from the set.
contains(VenumType) Determines whether this set contains a constant or not.
empty() Determines whether this set contains any constants.
size() The amount of constants this set contains
begin() Gets the const begin iterator of the map.
end() Gets the const end iterator of the map.
rbegin() Gets the const reverse begin iterator of the map.
rend() Gets the const reverse end iterator of the map.
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