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Uwuifier Discord Bot

CodeQL Black Flake8

Bot uwuifiying your Discord conversations, built with disnake and owoify-py.

Table of contents


This bot was built using Python 3.12. Full list of Python requirements is in requirements.txt file.


Bot loads its configuration from default.env files. This file in the project root contains configuration parameters. Some parameters already have default values, which you can tweak further. Detailed description of each parameter is in the default.env file itself.

Only DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN parameter needs to be provided with your Discord bot token for the bot to start. However, without other parameters bot might not behave as you'd expect, mostly quote command.

All parameters can be overwritten by environment variables with the same name.

default.env also defines parameter CUSTOM_DOTENV, which is a path to a separate custom.env file. This custom file can also be used to overwrite values from the default one, without modifying project files. CUSTOM_DOTENV parameter might point to a missing file, then it will just be ignored.

Just .env file in the project root can also be used for overwriting parameters. It will be treated with the highest priority of all .env files.

Required bot permissions

Message content

This bot requires message content privileged gateway intent to function correctly. This requirement comes from previous and all commands, which wouldn't be able to read message contents otherwise.

You can enable this content for the whole bot in Discord Developer Portal and specific bot settings.

Currently, bot won't even start without this privileged intent enabled. You can remove this requirement by modifying src/bot/ file and its _prepare_intents() function. Currently, this function creates Intents with message content privileged intent enabled:

def _prepare_intents() -> Intents:
    intents = Intents().default()
    intents.message_content = True
    return intents

You can modify it to return default Intents instead:

def _prepare_intents() -> Intents:
    return Intents().default()

The bot will start, but all and previous commands won't function correctly.

Managing webhooks and messages

all command also required permissions to modify channel webhooks and manage messages to function correctly.

Without these permissions bot will start, however all command will return an ephemeral message with information that permissions are missing.


Message context command

This command is available from the context menu of selected message.

  • uwuify this message - uwuifies message which this command replies to, allowing for "targeted" uwuification

Slash commands

These commands are available when you start typing /.

  • /help - prints help message
  • /all - uwuifies ALL messages sent in this channel (available only in servers and with relevant bot permissions)
  • /this <text to uwuify> - uwuifies text given as an argument to this command
  • /previous - uwuifies previous message in this channel (except this bot messages)
  • /quote - sends an inspirational uwuified quote

Uwuifying all messages

Uwuifying all messages is done through a webhook. When all command is executed a webhook is added to the channel. This new webhook will have the same name and avatar as the bot. Afterward, when any message other than a command is sent in this channel an uwuified version will be sent through this webhook. This message will also have original author's name and avatar. Original message will be removed.

Decision whether to replace messages is done based on whether this webhook is present in channel. No persistent data is stored on bot side. This way bot will know which channel to uwuify even after it's restarted.

This functionality is only available in servers and with relevant permissions.

Inspirational quotes

You can supply your API source for inspirational quotes via .env file. You also need to specify via JSON key names which JSON values should be treated as quote text and which as quote author.

Running the bot

You can run the bot from source, or in a Docker container.

From source

  1. Create a Discord bot
  2. Install all packages from requirements.txt
  3. Fill default.env, or custom.env, or .env or other custom configuration file
  4. Execute src/ via Python


  1. Create a Discord bot
  2. Fill default.env or .env
  3. Run docker compose up -d --build in terminal

You can skip --build flag if you didn't change the source code.

No .env files are added to the Docker image, they are just used as a source for environment variables. So if you make any changes there, just restart the container. There's no need to rebuild the image.

Docker Compose will by default load parameters from just .env file with the highest priority. So a file named exactly .env can also be used for source of parameters, without any changes to docker-compose.yml or other project files.

You can also supply a custom .env by modifying docker-compose.yml and:

  • loading a custom .env file as a source of environment variables, just keep in mind that this file MUST exist
  • configuring CUSTOM_DOTENV environment variable to point to some custom .env file in a mounted volume, this file can be missing from the container, it just won't be loaded


Why not?

Also this:


Discord bot uwuifying your Discord conversations!








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