Fully connected neural networks for handwritten digit classification using MNIST data
Layers : 3 ( 200, 200, 10 )
Optimization : AMSGrad
Weight Initialization : He-normal
Regularization : L2
Activation : ( elu, elu, softmax )
Cost Function : Categorical cross-entropy
Total epochs : 100
Batch size : 250
Here are some performance stats using various optimizers:
Optimization | Training Accuracy | Testing Accuracy |
Momentum | 0.586 | 0.584 |
RMSProp | 0.9870 | 0.9679 |
AMSGrad | 0.9975 | 0.9743 |
ADAM(TensorFlow) | 0.9967 | 0.9735 |
- The latest commit has only AMSGrad. RMSProp and Momentum are present in previous commits.
- The tensorflow code was for me to see the kind of performance I should be replicating. It uses AdamOptimization and not AMSGrad.
- The performance stats aren't an average over x attempts, its just what I got running them once. Thus, they're not absolute or conclusive of anything and are subject to randoms. This point is specifically directed at my AMSGrad implementation vs Tensorflow's ADAM.
This was a fun exercise for me to see the impact of various optimizers and needless to say, I was absolutely blown away by
the boost in performance caused by RMSProp and AMSGrad.
As another fun exercise, I have updated the repository with the tenserflow eager implementation of equivalent ADAM code.