School project - Faculty of Technical Science
Project in subject web programming
A web application for an information system that enables keeping records of fitness centers has been implemented. The application is used by 3 groups of users: Visitor, Trainer and Owner. Registration and logging of new users, as well as existing ones, has been implemented. Users have the ability to search for fitness centers, group trainings, view details, leave comments... The owner has the ability to register new trainers, create, modify, view and delete fitness centers, block trainers, approve comments...
Projekat iz predmeta veb programiranje
Realizovana je veb aplikacija za informacioni sistem koji omogucava vodjenje evidencije fitnes centara. Aplikaciju koriste 3 grupe korisnika: Posetilac, Trener i Vlasnik. Realizovano je registrovanje i logovanje novih korisnika, kao i vec postojecih. Korisnici imaju mogucnost pretrazivanja fitnes centara, grupnih treninga, pregleda detalja, ostavljanje komentara.. Vlasnik ima mogucnost registrovanja novih trenera, kreiranja, modifikovanja, pregleda i brisanja fitnes centara, blokiranja trenera, odobravanja komentara...