Releases: ElucidataInc/ElMaven
Releases · ElucidataInc/ElMaven
El-MAVEN v0.5.0
- PollyPhi (Fluxomics) integration through El-MAVEN–Polly interface
- CLI: Email Polly project on successful upload
- CLI: New argument for Polly project creation
- Persistent login in Polly dialog
- Fixed UI freeze while ongoing upload to Polly
- Create and upload sample cohort file to Polly
- Enable peak table deletion (#831)
- Warn user when compound from db is discarded, in CLI and GUI (#846)
- CLI: option to choose alignment algo (#691)
- CLI: Replaced firstview with fluxomics workflow
- CLI: Warn user if no db provided with targeted detection (#847)
- CLI: Warning when db is empty
Bug Fixes
- Error handling in El-Maven-Polly Integration
- Fixed SRM ID clustering – start and end qualifiers (#116)
- Fixed always positive charge for EI ionization type (#841)
- Export all labels detected in a peak table to CSV (#882)
- Fixed crash with empty lines in compound db in CLI and GUI
- PollyElMavenInterfaceDialog and PollyIntegration
- TableDockWidget
- UI: Removed "Save As" button from sample widget
- UI: Hide feedback button (#806)
- Fixed precision for CSV export values
- Set default isotope label option to be C13 only
- Added a sample credential file in installer
Beta Fixes
- Fixed zero values for fold-change and p-value
- CLI: Remove warning for sending N15, D2 or S34 labeled groups to PollyPhi
El-MAVEN v0.5.0-beta
- PollyPhi (Fluxomics) integration through El-MAVEN–Polly interface
- CLI: Email Polly project on successful upload
- CLI: New argument for Polly project creation
- Persistent login in Polly dialog
- Fixed UI freeze while ongoing upload to Polly
- Create and upload sample cohort file to Polly
- Enable peak table deletion (#831)
- Warn user when compound from db is discarded, in CLI and GUI (#846)
- CLI: option to choose alignment algo (#691)
- CLI: Replaced firstview with fluxomics workflow
- CLI: Warn user if no db provided with targeted detection (#847)
- CLI: Warning when db is empty
Bug Fixes
- Error handling in El-Maven-Polly Integration
- Fixed SRM ID clustering – start and end qualifiers (#116)
- Fixed always positive charge for EI ionization type (#841)
- Export all labels detected in a peak table to CSV (#882)
- Fixed crash with empty lines in compound db in CLI and GUI
- PollyElMavenInterfaceDialog and PollyIntegration
- TableDockWidget
- UI: Removed "Save As" button from sample widget
- UI: Hide feedback button (#806)
- Fixed precision for CSV export values
- Set default isotope label option to be C13 only
- Added a sample credential file in installer
El-MAVEN v0.5-alpha
Merge #894 from ElucidataInc/fix_crashDBNewline [Fix] Check for empty line in compound db
El-MAVEN v0.4.1
- Faster sample upload
- Checking/unchecking a sample in the presence of a large peak table is faster (#723)
- No lag in switching between two large peak tables
UI Changes
- Added a close button for Scatter Plot widget
- Removed 'Load Peaks' from Peak tables
- 'Gallery' widget is only available on the side bar panel
- Removed 'Ratio' and 'p-value' columns from Peak tables (available in Scatter Plot Peak Table)
- Removed 'Good' and 'Bad' marking options from EIC widget
- Polly upload button is not clickable during the upload process (#805 )
- Single button for exporting EIC on EIC widget
- Removed 'Scatter Plot' button from side bar panel
El-MAVEN v0.4.0
- Help menu with links to documentation, tutorials and FAQs
- Show sample number in the sample widget instead of SRM (#116 )
- Restore all parameters to default in Peaks and Options dialog
- Good/bad labels in json export
- Getting Started window on fresh install
- Log out functionality in Polly
- Select the peak table for Polly upload
- GroupId and metaGroupId show correct values in CSV exports (#266 #693 )
- Fixed crash on sample deletion
- Fixed shift-drag integration
- Fixed negative intensity values for Corrected Peak intensities
- Fixed wrong Rt values for isotopic children
- Fixed isotopic label selection in CLI
- Load last used database file automatically (#568 )
- Load default model file in Mac version (#598 )
- Other crashes in v0.3.2
- Isotope plot
Beta fixes
El-MAVEN v0.4.0-beta
- Help menu with links to documentation, tutorials and FAQs
- Show sample number in the sample widget instead of SRM (#116 )
- Restore all parameters to default in Peaks and Options dialog
- Good/bad labels in json export
- Getting Started window on fresh install
- Log out functionality in Polly
- Select the peak table for Polly upload
- GroupId and metaGroupId show correct values in CSV exports (#266 #693 )
- Fixed crash on sample deletion
- Fixed shift-drag integration
- Fixed negative intensity values for Corrected Peak intensities
- Fixed wrong Rt values for isotopic children
- Fixed isotopic label selection in CLI
- Load last used database file automatically (#568 )
- Load default model file in Mac version (#598 )
- Other crashes in v0.3.2
- Isotope plot
El-MAVEN v0.3.2
Bug Fixes
- Crash in isotope widget
- Crash on exporting CSV for untargeted workflow (#698)
- Special characters in sample file names are allowed in mzroll (#465 )
- MS/MS database is loaded on loading mzroll (#599 )
- Selecting a compound in the database highlights the best ranking group in the EIC widget
- Send stack trace to Sentry in case of a crash (Windows only)
El-MAVEN v0.3.1
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed compound name in CSV export (#635 )
- Fixed automated detection of high ranking groups
- Fix installer issue on Mac (Installer not working due to netcdf addition)
- Change default tab for El-MAVEN - Polly Integration dialog
El-MAVEN v0.3.0
- Export Scatter plot groups into a peak table (#136 )
- Introduced Exception handling in sample upload process
- Send logs to sentry in the event of a crash (#597 (comment))
- Upload data to Polly through CLI and GUI
- Download project settings from Polly
- New Alignment algorithm: Obi-warp (#623 )
- Support for cdf files on Windows (#624 )
- Highlight detected compounds in the database (#554 )
- Isotope Widget
- Isotope detection
Bug fixes
- Export Scatter plot groups into a peak table (#136 )
- Introduced Exception handling in sample upload process
- Send logs to sentry in the event of a crash (#597 (comment))
- Upload data to Polly through CLI and GUI
- Download project settings from Polly
- New Alignment algorithm: Obi-warp (#623 )
- Support for cdf files on Windows (#624 )
- Highlight detected compounds in the database (#554 )
- Isotope Widget
- Isotope detection
Bug fixes