A javascript [color curve] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curve_(tonality)) editor component
The idea is to recreate the Color curves editor from Photoshop/Gimp in Javascript. The javascript code is based on GIMP curves code, so it have some improvement over the Adobe Photoshop's one.
You can see it live [here] (http://s.vaguilera.com/projects/colorcurve)
Just include ColorCurve.min.js on your page and create a canvas for the curve. The canvas for the curve should be square (same width and height)
<script src="../src/Colorcurve.js" />
<canvas id="Curve" height="256" width="256"></canvas>
Then, when page is loaded you should init the curve passing the name of canvas as a parameter and the callback function to call when the curve is modified.
var Curve
Curve = new ColorCurve('Curve', function(){ console.log('Curve modified'); });
Into the callback function you can access the values directly from the curve. The values are in 0-255 format
var Curve
Curve = new ColorCurve('Curve', function() {
The project includes an example of three curves modifying the RGB channels of an image. To run the example in Chrome you need to put the html and scripts into a webserver. If you execute the example directly without a server, Chrome raises a Cross-Image exception loading the image.
- draw an historygram in the canvas