A simple Weather App that fetches and displays live weather data and forecasts for any city using React, Tailwind CSS, and Axios. 🌦️
- Fetch weather data from an API.
- Display current weather and a 3-day forecast.
- User-friendly interface with dynamic updates based on the city entered.
- Input validation with trimming of whitespace for city names.
- React: Frontend framework used to build the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling the UI, providing a responsive and modern design.
- Axios: For making HTTP requests to fetch weather data from the API.
- Endpoint: https://goweather.herokuapp.com/weather/Bangalore
- The app fetches data from this endpoint, providing current weather, wind details, and a 3-day forecast.
- Developed by Aditya and is live at https://emaniaditya.github.io/weather-app.
- Built on top of the weather-api.