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File metadata and controls

167 lines (103 loc) · 2.35 KB

Using Ember 2.X

Example Application of Future Ember Features

By Alex LaFroscia -- @alexlafroscia

Routable Components

Old Style

  • Routable Controllers decorate models
  • Need a template or view

New Style

  • No more controllers
  • Route to a Component, which is already decoration + DOM

Why do I want this?

  • Consolidate all long-running state

Pod Structure

Old Style

  • Files are organized by type, and then name

New Style

  • File are organized by name, and then type

Why do I want this?

Closure Actions

Old Style

  • Actions are passed into a component as a string
  • Actions are invoked in a component using sendAction
// Template
{{some-component onClickAction='doSomeThing'}}
// Component
export default Component.extend({
  onClickAction: '',

  click() {
    const action = this.get('onClickAction');

New Style

  • Actions are passed into a component using the action helper
  • Actions are invoked as proper functions
// Template
{{some-component onClickAction=(action 'doSomeThing')}}
// Component
export default Component.extend({
  click() {

Why do I want this?

  • Actions can have real return values
  • Easier to pass actions down through component hierarchy

Angle-Bracket Components

Old Style

  • Components use Handlebars syntax
  • Arguments passed in are mutable
// Inline Form
{{some-component foo=bar}}

// Block Form
{{#some-component foo=bar}}


New Style

  • Components use HTML syntax
  • Arguments passed in are immutable by default
// Inline Form
<some-component foo={{bar}} />

// Block Form
<some-component foo={{bar}}>


Why do I want this?

  • Easier to implement "Data Down, Actions Up"

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