This repository helps to quickly spin up a local version of namada blockchain and some ecosystem services and tools in a matter of seconds.
Including :
- A Namada blockchain with 3 validators
- Hermes for IBC transfer (by running a second namada blockchain called chain-b)
- Docker (or Docker Desktop on Windows/Mac)
Make an .env from sample file, and alter values as desired
cp .env.sample .env
Pull images from docker hub or build them from scratch.
To pull images do
docker compose --profile main pull
Or, build images from the dockerfile (takes more time and requires a lot of resources) :
docker compose --profile main build
To start the blockchain with 3 validators
docker compose --profile main up -d
for the first time launching it give it 1-2 min to download necessary files and setup the chain. then you can use it
docker compose --profile main logs -f
exec into one of the validators , e.g.
docker compose exec namada-1 bash
then you can run any commands over the blockchain. e.g. :
namada --version
each container has a wallet funded with tokens, you can make tx from this wallet or fund new wallets, for example on validator 1 container
docker compose exec namada-1 bash
namadac balance --owner namada-1-wallet --token nam
there is also a faucet account with huge amounts of NAM on container namada-1
, you can use it to transfer funds to other accounts:
docker compose exec namada-1 bash
namadac transparent-transfer --source faucet-1 --target namada-1-wallet --amount 200000 --token nam
for more information about commands, check the official docs
To test hermes on a Namada <> Namada channel , we need another instance of namada blockchain. this is included under hermes profile in docker compose file.
To run chain B and the hermes container
Pull images from docker hub or build them from scratch.
To pull images do
docker compose --profile hermes pull
Or, build images from the dockerfile (takes more time and requires a lot of resources) :
docker compose --profile hermes build
Then run the hermes containers
docker compose --profile hermes up -d
this will create chain-b , another namada blockchain with single validator and sets configs on the hermes and create a channel between two blockchains.
Hermes takes some time to be functional, so the check logs before start using it
docker compose logs -f hermes
now exec into chain-b and get an address wallet from there
docker compose exec namada-chain-b bash
namadaw list
in another terminal exec into namada-1 and transfer any tokens to chain-b
docker compose exec namada-1 bash
namadac ibc-transfer --amount 5 --source namada-1-wallet --receiver <ADDRESS_WALLET_ON_CHAIN_B> --token nam --channel-id channel-0
get back into chain-b terminal, after a short time query the balance of your wallet and you should see tokens have arrived
To remove everything
docker compose --profile main --profile hermes down -v -t 0