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Releases: EmergentSoftware/SQL-Server-Development-Assessment

Money Check & Procedure Create Change

09 Sep 22:07
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  • This release contains a new check for the MONEY data type.
  • We changed up how the sp_Develop stored procedure is created. Older version of SQL Server do not know teh CREATE OR ALTER STORED PROCEDURE command so we need to keep it old school.

Unencrypted Data Check

06 Sep 21:53
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Added Unencrypted Data

Check Id: 28

The table column returned for this check might have unencrypted data that you might want to have encrypted for best practices or industry specific compliance. You will need to determine if the data needs to be protected at rest, in transit or both.

With SQL Server you have a couple choices to implement hashing or encryption

Edited Using Prefix in Index Name

Check Id: [NONE YET]

Removed the table portion in the index naming convention.

Other Changes

  • Added Product Version check variables. Useful when used in checking for specific features in different version.
  • Change SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
  • Ignoring __EFMigrationsHistory tables now

Test Database

  • Added table and data for testing Unencrypted Data
  • Added table for DevelopCheckToSkip for testing Check Skip feature
  • Changed SSN to ColumnName on the dbo.UniqueConstraint table because it is now used in Unencrypted Data check

Development Application Settings

  • Modified the Redgate SQL Prompt Team Expanded formatting style to handle control flow better.

Skip Checks Are Here

29 Aug 07:25
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Skip Checks Are Here Pre-release

@SkipCheckServer parameter now lets you centralize a list of checks that you want to skip across different servers

Sometimes there are checks, databases or servers that you want to skip. For example, say a database is from a vendor and you are not responsible for the database development.

Another use case for skipping checks is to indicate that you have acknowledged a potential issue and you are OK with it. You can skip that check for that specific object. Using sp_Develop with this pattern allows you to perform your database development and iteratively check for issues.

Tweaked the Team Expanded Formatting Style

The RedGate SQL Prompt Expanded formatting style will not indent BEGIN/END keywords


  • A bunch of cleanup and best practice refactors are also included.
  • Refactored RedGate Snippets

Initial Pre-Release

21 Aug 00:00
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Initial Pre-Release Pre-release

Here we go! Here is the first release for sp_Develop. It has not been fully tested on our clients yet but all the checks are working for us.